Windows 10 Accounts Personal Plus 2021 or 2019 investing groups
In P.P under investment centre there is a LOCATION box (also called GROUPS) currently there are teo locations Investing:Investment and Investing:Retirement.
How can I create another group or location. I like to split my investments by adding another group
Here is one path to get to what I mean. Go to Account list, right click any share holding , select Change group then you will see "investment" and "retirement" I would like to add another group?
Any suggestions please
Sorry i am at a loss to what you are seeing, can you please call me to show me where you are.
Gerry id 6376
Gerhard Winter
Ph. +61 0418907140
Reckon Store Next Door
"Always at your Service"
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Ok here are the details again: *I use the Australian version of PP
1.Open Personal plus with current account.
2.Select "Investing" tag with "todays data"
3.Right click any share e.g. "QAN" and select "edit this account"
Look for "Account location" that is where you find just 2 choices "investment" and "retirement"
I am wanting to hove more choices here.
The second way to get there:
At step 3 select "view account list" instead of "edit"
select the "Manage accounts" tag and go to the "QAN" share entry
select its "change group" and it will show the same 2 choices as under the first scenario
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These are hard coded and cannot be changed or add to. Sorry
Gerry id 6376
Gerhard Winter
Ph. +61 0418907140
Reckon Store Next Door
"Always at your Service"
0 -
Thanks for looking into this . Item closed.
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