Payroll Summary doesn't match single touch payroll EOFY
I'm having an issue where my Payroll summary from reports centre doesn't match the STP eofy report generated that will be sent to ATO. The payroll summary has the correct figures. How do I edit the STP eofy report?
Was the final pay for the year processed before 30/6 and submitted also before 30/6. And same question about the first payroll of the financial year and 1/7?
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Hi Kris,
Yes last payrun was done before 30/6 (processed 29/6/21, stp submitted same day). Next pay run was done a week later.
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And what about the first pay in the year w/e and submission after 1/7
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Next pay was done and STP submitted 6/7/21. If I do a report from this financial year to date, it will match up with the stp eofy for this financial year to date. But I'm unsure why last years doesn't match up. Is there any way to submit an STP with updated figures to match the payroll summary?
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Have you been able to identify the amount, as perhaps relevant to one person or one week’s pay. How many employees on the payroll?
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I mean the pay after 1/7/20, was this paid and submitted after that - the end of the year can be confusing, especially in the beginning of STP
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Yeah I thought it may have been when I transitioned from reckon hosted to reckon one and had to manually add in july 2020 payruns but even taking those out, there's no discernible pattern. It must be the transition as 5 out of the 6 employees have incorrect figures, with the 6th having started this year. But even taking out the manually added payruns doesn't match up the figures. I don't understand why the STP eofy doesn't take it's data from the payruns/pay slips as this also matches the payroll summary.
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Yes was paid and submitted after. The amounts that they're off by don't seem to match up with one or 2 payruns, seems very random.
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You could pick a date and check the balances at that date and try and narrow it down. I usually start at Dec, then keep going backwards monthly. If you go to the portal you can see all the balances at each date and compare
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I have transitioned a couple of times from reckon one to Reckon Hosted, I made sure the balances were correct on that date prior to using the new product
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Thanks Kris, good idea! But I can't choose dates for the STP eofy report (only can choose financial years) or the INB payment summaries =(
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Ohh I get what you mean, going into the reckon govconnect? will give it a try
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I don’t know if I can help but you’re welcome to ring me tomorrow if you have any questions
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Ah finally figured it out! It was due to YTD setup values that were added in when transitioning from reckon hosted to reckon one. Because I went and manually added those values as well, I guess it doubled up. Now that I've deleted the YTD entries, it all matches up! =)
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That’s great news, congratulations
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