License Personal Plus
I have Personal Plus2019 and just found out I have to renew with an ANNUAL license of $180. How ridiculous, I have been using their software since the 90's (was another name then) and renewed every two years. Now I will not renew AT ALL, because it is going to cost me $180 pa!! I only use it for shares and probably quarterly at that. Office365 is $99 pa BUT I use that all the time. I am so very disappointed in Reckon as I have recommended them for many years to colleagues and friends- no more.
I just had to get this off my chest. Anyone else feel the same?
I hope you get everything you need from 365 but i do know that it wont do anything like PP and if you feel you want to come back to PP i can usually a better price at least for the first year.
Gerry id 6376
Gerhard Winter
Ph. +61 0418907140
Reckon Store Next Door
"Always at your Service"
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I actually meant using Office365 for a lot of other things @ $99pa VS PP @ $180pa for limited use over the year. I bit expensive for tracking shares on a irregular basis.
I will still need to find something for keeping track of my share portfolios
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Good luck but there is nothing as we have looked for that ourselves and really we all hate to pay for it but it wont break the bank.
Gerry id 6376
Gerhard Winter
Ph. +61 0418907140
Reckon Store Next Door
"Always at your Service"
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