Account List; "Hide Account" vs "Remove from Account Bar"
Is Hide Account the same as "Don't Include in Tota" PLUS "Remove from Account Bar"?
Doe"Remove from Account Bar" just remove the Accounts screen on the rhs of the screen, but everything is still included in any reports for that account?
What's the difference between" Hide Account "& "Remove from Account Bar"?
I am using Reckon Accounts Home & Business 2020 Release R 1
thanks Nice Helpers
Jack in South Gippsland
Hi Jack
You've posted in the Reckon Accounts (Desktop) category which doesn't have this exact feature.
Have a look in the Personal section here: & see if this may have already been answered. Alternatively, if you post your questions there, you should be able to get more specific help 😊
Shaz Hughes Dip(Fin) ACQ NSW, MICB
*** Reckon Accredited Partner (AP) Bookkeeper - specialising EXCLUSIVELY in Reckon Accounts / Hosted ! ***
* Regd BAS Agent (No: 92314 015)* ICB-Certified Bookkeeper* Snr Seasonal Tax Consultant since 2003 *
Accounted 4 Bookkeeping Services
Ballajura, WA
(NB: Please give my post a Like or mark as Accepted Answer if I have been able to resolve your query as this helps others when seeking solutions!)
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You are right it only hides the view and you have the choice if you want the values included.
Gerry id 6376
Gerhard Winter
Ph. +61 0418907140
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