We cannot open our company file; Error -6000 - 80 YIKES!

mardendonna Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member

Hi fellow Reckoners,

I need some help. We have Reckon Accounts Hosted (Premier : Accountant Edition 2022). We have 5 users / licenses and I host the multi user access component and therefore all share the company file. A few weeks ago I installed the 2022 edition and R2 tax update and all was well.

But a few days ago none of us have been able to get into Reckon using the company file and are getting the following error:

"An error occurred when Reckon Accounts tried to access the company file. Please try again. If the problem persists, contact Reckon Technical Support and provide them with the following error codes: (-6000, -80)."

I've always found my answers on the forum without the need to post my issue, but I am stumped. After several hours of trying to find a solution, I'm at a loss.

Reckon support opens tomorrow (Monday 9.30am) but we are trying to get payroll done before then.

Any leads or advice would be appreciated.




  • GerryWinter
    GerryWinter Accredited Partner Posts: 1,379 Personal Range Elite Expert Personal Range Expert

    Do you have more than one machine if so has everyone upgraded to the same version, are you trying to do a backup,

    Gerry id 6376

    Gerhard Winter

    Ph. 0418907140

    Reckon Store Next Door

    "Always at your Service"

    Email: gwinter0808@gmail.com

  • Unknown
    edited August 2022
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