Shares - Adding a new Security (Stock) - Ticker Symbol & Look Up not showing ASX listed company
Hey there
Been trying to solve issue for about an hour now, to no avail - including searching Community Group for any similar issues ... So I would now love anyone's help or suggestions.
I am using Reckon Accounts Personal Plus 2022 & trying to add a recently purchased Stock.
The Stock is for a company called Mineral Resources Limited - (ASX Ticker symbol MIN). Company has been listed on ASX for many years.
This company is not showing on Reckon's Stock Code Search. (screen grab of 'Look Up...' search attached)
Is anyone able to shine any light on why this stock is not showing in Reckon's Stock list?
Much appreciated
Best Answer
Hi Amanda
As you already know the ticker code, just bypass searching for it ie. Enter the ticker code in the field along with the other details and then click 'Next' to progress.
It should add the security to your list successfully after doing so.
Let me know how you get on.
Thanks Rav
That was a very easy fix - too funny! I hadn't even considered continuing the entry by just using the ticker code without look up ;)
Thank you for pointing that out to me!
Much appreciated