How to remove credit from customer's account that was mistakenly recorded?
I made a invoice for a customer and recorded that as paid, but it was not paid. So, I deleted that invoice now, It is showing that the customer has credit but he has no any credit. How can I fix this?
You have to delete the payment as well, just go to it anyway you prefer- find the amount or go to the customer balance and double click on payment and delete (ctrlD)
won’t you have to renter the invoice ?
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No, that invoice was not correct so I had to delete that. Now what should I do?
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Just delete the payment. What was the date of the invoice, was it in a previous BAS quarter
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I don't remember the exact date but it was a month ago, I guess. No, it was not in a previous BAS quarter. How can I delete the payment? I am a new user so, still learning.
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I did say that up above, but call me if you need to 0415 940843
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thank you for your help.
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You’re welcome. …………..
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