How to allocate a cheque to a Customer Adjustment note
How do I process the Cheque paid back to the customer for a credit balance.
The chq has been processed to Accounts Receivable .
How can I allocate against each other to prevent them from appearing on the Open Invoice report ? thanks
Best Answer
Change the account from Accounts Receivable to the income account the invoice would have originally gone to and use a tax code if applicable
It should have asked you when you created the adjustment note if you wanted to mark against an invoice or do a refund. Are you actually giving them the money back?
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The adjustment note was created but at the time there was no Invoice to allocate against. then customer did not utilise our services and hence needed to repay the funds back. How can I allocate transaction to clear from open Invocie report please?
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Hi have just changed the Chq from Accounts Receivable to the Incmome account and now it indicates the account is in credit
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copy of chq details with customer deleted
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