Reckon Payroll Phase 2

SarahZ Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member

Good Morning,

I have recently upgraded from Reckon One to the new Reckon Payroll Phase 2 and have noticed that the Annual, Personal and Overtime YTD do not seem to have been brought across to the YTD totals that show in the employees file. However, they are correct on the pay submissions to the ATO via the STP. I was told by a support representative that I can change them but I am reluctant to adjust anything for fear of compromising the true data. Can someone advise if I can just add the missing amounts rather than adjusting all items to balance the Gross i.e. gross for OTE is correct so just add any relevant overtime, annual or personal leave and they will be added to what is already there thus correcting the total Gross. The tax and superannuation amounts in this file are correct? Alternatively, can some programming fix be done to correct the YTD totals in the employee file by Reckon development team so it is not on us for the correct information to be shown?

Best Answer

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,719 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    Answer ✓

    Ah right ok, thanks @SarahZ I see what you mean.

    The YTD Summary in an employee's profile currently doesn't show disaggregated earnings components on-screen. For example, now that overtime earnings have been separated from gross earnings under STP Phase 2, if you use these in a pay run like you have with the time and half item in your screenshot, the balances for those items will just not visually appear in the YTD Summary right now.

    Rest assured, these pay items are being captured and recorded correctly which you can verify in the Payroll Detail Report. Our dev team are investigating improvements to the YTD Summary screen for it to visually show these disaggregated items so hopefully we some enhancements to this very soon.


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,719 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @SarahZ

    Reckon One and the new Reckon Payroll use the same database so the balances for annual & personal leave etc should be the same and present after you make the upgrade.

    Can you let me know where specifically you're not seeing these balances in Reckon Payroll AND what is displaying for those corresponding leave items in Reckon One?

    If you have screenshots as well that would be super helpful 🙂

  • SarahZ
    SarahZ Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited September 2023

    You can see in the pay slip that it shows all the breakdown for Gross including personal, overtime and annual leave taken, but in the employees file in the YTD area only the Gross is present for the OTE Gross. The others have not come across to the employees file.

    My balances to date do equal the YTD totals on the pay slips for all employees past and present for this financial year.

    Wondering why these haven't come across to the Employee File YTD if it can be shown on pay slip why not in employee file?

  • SarahZ
    SarahZ Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member

    Thank You Rav. That was my hope that your team would correct this error. I understand there are always some issues when programming is changed/enhanced. I will await the internal fix your end.


  • RobsAuto24
    RobsAuto24 Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member

    Good evening,

    has this issue been resolved. We have the same issue and was about to manually adjust figures and add new leave types

    kind regards Rob

  • SarahZ
    SarahZ Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member

    Sorry for delayed reply. No the issue has not been corrected yet. I also thought to add other items not shown but was concerned I would cause issue with amounts already reported to the ATO. I am waiting on Reckon to repair at this stage. If it can be shown correct on payslips I am expecting they just need to program the information from that to YTD totals. It is just something overlooked when ensuring all data is connected.