How do I change the default of sending an email copy of each employee payslip to our login email?

BMK Member Posts: 2 Novice Member Novice Member

Hi Team, I want to change the default of sending an email copy of each employee payslip to our login email address as all staff can see the payslips. How do I remove the default of sending them as a copy to our default email? Nobody needs a copy of the payslips other than the intended recipient. I can log in to our Reckon Payroll account anytime that I need to see this information. I do not think this is necessary and I wish to remove the default check in the box so that the payslips cannot be accidentally sent??


  • Tanvi_kataria
    Tanvi_kataria Reckon Staff Posts: 362 Reckon Staff


    In regard to your query, Reckon Payroll has a functionality that until you click on send Pay slips, no pay slips will be sent out to anyone.

    Also, once you click on Send Pay slips, it will give you another page to confirm as in the screenshot below, where you can choose the option as per your requirement.

    Apart from that, as far as I am aware, unfortunately, there is no direct way to turn the option on/off for the pay slips.

    Please feel free to let us know, for any concerns/issues. Thank you!



  • BMK
    BMK Member Posts: 2 Novice Member Novice Member

    Hi Tanvi,

    thank you for your response. I think that there should be an option to remove this dfault so that another employee cannot review any other employees payslip. It's a breach of privacy.

    On the other hand, as it is our log in email that is set as the default for these payslip copies, can I change our account login email with out any issues? to help alleviate any emails going to other staff??

  • Tanvi_kataria
    Tanvi_kataria Reckon Staff Posts: 362 Reckon Staff

    Hi there,

    None of the employee will receive another employee's pay slip. It's just you're selecting the employees you want to send the pay slips to.

    For your another query, of changing the default. You can change the email address to be copied to, within the pay slips -

    Please feel free to let us know for any concerns. Thank you!

