Editing a pay that has been processed and paid using an ABA file

Kandy_10744602 Member Posts: 20 Reckoner Reckoner

I need to edit last weeks pay but cannot change the pay run back into draft mode. When I try to change it to draft I get the following message:


A Bank Payment is linked to this pay run. Click <a href='#ENVIRONMENT#/00cc0b5d-2eaa-460d-939e-c1edd5f55c0a' target='_blank'>here</a> to view and delete the transaction before undoing the pay run again.

Also I can't see how I can delete it from the bank run in Reckon One which I've had to do in the past to get it to change to draft mode.


  • klaura
    klaura Reckon Staff Posts: 194 Reckon Staff

    Hi Kandy_10744602,

    The bank payment must be removed before we can set the pay run to draft.

    To do this, Access Reckon One

    Choose "Bank Payments" from the Banking Menu on the left.

    Click Edit in the upper right corner after opening the bank payment you wish to remove. After that, you'll have the option to delete.

    I hope it helps,

    Best regards,

  • Kandy_10744602
    Kandy_10744602 Member Posts: 20 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Klaura

    Thank you, that's great!

    I've just done the correction successfully after following your instructions.