Build of Materials - One or more service not included in the build transaction
I am getting a warning that one or more service will not be included in the build transaction as do not have an assigned expense account. However, I have tripled checked and every item has an assigned expense account and every item is stated it is used in assembly. Due to the cost difference I worked out the two items it is not including in the BOM but there is no reason for it not to be (going by the warning).
Does anyone have any ideas?
Dear @amy_10865338 ,
It's possible that either the associated expense accounts may be marked as inactive, or the service item was made inactive. You will need to make these accounts/items active again.
If this fails, you may want to run a rebuild on your company file to check for minor corruptions - you can do this by going into File -> Utilities -> Rebuild Data.
Let me know how you go with these.
Kind regards,
Alexander McKeown
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