πŸ†• Horticulture & Shearers tax scale in Reckon Payroll - Fix for the Contractor ABN error βœ…

Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,728 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

Hi everyone!

Do you have an employee working in the horticulture/shearer industry and they've been setup using the Voluntary/Flat Rate tax scale prior to switching to STP Phase 2?

If so, you may have encountered a Contractor ABN must be supplied if an Income Stream Collection tuple with a type code Voluntary Agreement contains a Gross Payment or PAYGW Amount that is greater than zero error message when sending an STP submission.

Under STP Phase 2 employees on the Voluntary/Flat Rate tax scale require an ABN.

If you have employees working in the horticulture and shearers industry, a new tax scale has been introduced in Reckon Payroll specifically for the horticulture/shearers industry which will allow you to successfully submit to the ATO. We've put together step by step instructions on how to update your employee and pay runs in the help guide linked below πŸ‘‡

If you have any questions please let us know by leaving a reply below.

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