How do you allocate a customer payment to an invoice via a bank feed transaction?

Lorraine72 Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member

This task was easy in Sage, but I am struggling to allocate the payment of a customer's invoice imported via the bank feed, I have tried clicking on the receipt in the ReckonOne Transctions and the going to the allocate tab - this result in the payment amount doubling.

I have also tried to use the invoice line to indicate the invoice has been paid - this has resulted in a duplicate receipt in the ReckonOne transitions.

After reversing/undoing the actions I took, the invoice is still showing as unpaid and the payment is showing in the ReckonOne bank transaction file.


  • Longine
    Longine Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member

    I completely agree, I’m having the same problems. Did you get it sorted ?

    I can’t believe you can’t allocate a payment to a particular invoice directly from the bank feed.

  • Lorraine72
    Lorraine72 Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member

    Hi Longine

    yes, eventually got an answer through a knowledgeable person on the help desk.

    Assuming you have your bank linked - when you open Reckon One - select under Banking - Bank Transactions. The payments will appear when you select the bank account. Then select the word "payment" on the transaction. this will open a new page and on this there are options - select Allocate Payment. Once you have done that - under the options in green - click on Allocate detail payment. You will be asked for contact, ie supplier, and if an invoice exists for the supplier, scroll down on the page - details of the invoice should appear and on the right hand side is a box to allocate the payment. Then scroll back up on the page and Save.

    Once you have done that go Reckon One transactions page, select the bank account is not already on that page, there you should see the payment against the supplier and that the transaction has been cleared. Similar process for Customers.

    It is a good idea to go to invoices for suppliers and check that the invoice is showing paid.

    Yes there are more steps and process is more complicated than Sage. Hope this helps.