Updating super guarantee to 11.5% in Reckon Accounts 2024.. What do I do?

Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,400 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

Hi everyone

If you're upgrading to Reckon Accounts Hosted 2024 or Reckon Accounts Desktop 2024, you will be prompted to update your super guarantee item to the new 11.5% rate that takes effect on 1 July 2024.

If you have upgraded to the 2024 edition and have pays left to complete for the 2023/24 financial year, you should select the No option on the above message in order for Super Guarantee to calculate at the previous 11% for pay runs that fall within the 2023/24 financial year.

This message prompt will appear each time you attempt to process a pay in Reckon Accounts 2024. After all 2023/24 pays have been completed and you're ready to start your first pay run for 2024/25, click the Yes option on the message above and super will update to 11.5%.

The pop-up message isn't appearing for me, what do I do?

If the message doesn't appear then we'd recommend doing the following in the first instance.

Go to Edit ➡️ Preferences ➡️ General ➡️ tick the Bring back all one-time messages and click OK.
Then close all your Reckon Accounts windows by clicking the Window menu option ➡️ select Close All.

With that done, click the Home button then select Pay Employees and the message prompt to update super guarantee should appear which will allow you to update to 11.5%.

I've already created pay runs for 2024/25 with super at 11%, what do I do?

If you have already created a pay run for 2024/25 without first updating your super to 11.5% you will need to edit that pay run to correct the super item.

1️⃣ First ensure that you have updated your super guarantee to 11.5% as outlined above.

2️⃣ If you have created any pay runs for 2024/25 with super guarantee at 11%, please refresh that pay run by unlocking it, remove the super item which currently shows super guarantee at 11% then re-add the super item which should now show 11.5%.


If you have any questions on the above, please feel free to reply below and we'll do our best to assist.

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