#TipTuesday - Duplicating Transactions

Lucas Reckon Staff Posts: 317 Reckon Staff

Duplicating Transactions in Reckon Accounts

Yes, you read that correctly! Reckon Accounts now lets you create duplicate transactions without needing a "copy and paste" PhD or manually re-entering them.

Our amazing development team has brought you this expanded function in Reckon Accounts 2024 R1. Which previously was only available for estimates that copied the transaction onto a new estimates form, but now works for customers, suppliers and banking transactions.

Note: Any date fields will peruse the current date for the transaction


From the edit drop down you can see the option to Duplicate Cheques, after we have created a test cheque. Which creates a new transaction with the same information entered, but with the current date.

Hopefully the expansion of this function helps with your workflow and be sure to check out everything new in the new release.
