Reckon One update! ✨ Bounce back emails, multi-line descriptions and more!

Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,371 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

Reckon One has received an update today which adds a couple of highly requested features along with squashing a few annoying bugs.

Check out details of the inclusions in this update below!

✨ Bounce back email notification

Reckon One users will now receive a notification email when an email you've sent from Reckon One such as an invoice for example, has bounced back from the intended recipient. This is a really handy feature addition that allows you to stay on top of any emails that could not be delivered.

The bounce back email will be sent to the email address listed in your Reckon One book settings under Settings ➡️ General ➡️ Book Settings ➡️ Reply-to Email Address

✨ Multi-line description field in invoices

A highly requested enhancement is the ability for the description field to support line breaks, or multiple lines. This is now available in the description field when you create an invoice in Reckon One!

Line breaks will be accurately displayed in the final printed or emailed invoice PDF which ensures added clarity and detail when formatting an invoice.

✨ Transaction Line Items report on cash basis

A fix has been applied for the Transaction Line Items report failing to load in cash basis and resulting in An error occurred while processing your request error message appearing.

The Transaction Line Items report will now generate successfully when using cash basis in your Reckon One book.

✨ Performance improvements

Some of our Reckon One users were experiencing various performance issues such performing a bank transfer, creating timesheets, loading reports filtered by date etc.

We've added fixes to address the majority of these issues so performance should largely be back to normal. We're continuing to look at a couple of areas around reports for which another fix release will follow shortly.

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  • ptnewparadigm
    ptnewparadigm Member Posts: 12 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Rav,

    All good improvements but my biggest frustration with Reckon one, which is standard in all other accounting packages, is to show the Description field in the Account Enquiry and Ledger Transactions reports. It is bizarre this important information is not included in any reports.

    Another vital report to make Reckon one usable is the ability to produce an account enquiry or Ledger transaction report for one or more selected projects. There is no way to show transaction of one project.

    Not having these most basic reports makes an easy task extremely difficult and Reckon one a substandard system.

    I and many others have reported these issues through the improvements section for over 5 years now.

    Your assistance with resolving these basic report functions would be greatly appreciated.

    Kind regards


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,371 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    @ptnewparadigm Hi Peter

    Thanks for flagging this, I've just flicked you a reply on the other post you've commented on. Lets continue the conversation there 🙂


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  • Catherine Sinnott
    Catherine Sinnott Member Posts: 42 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Rav, I LOVE the bounce-back emails feature, Myob & Xero don't do this and it's very frustrating to be unaware that emails have not gone through successfully. Great improvement, thank you!

    Cheers Cath