#TipTuesday - Checking leave balances on the fly! πŸŒ΄πŸ‘€

Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,735 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

Welcome to the another #TipTuesday everyone!

Have you ever wanted to check an employee's leave balances when creating a pay run? You can do this directly from within a pay run without the need to hop out and view the employee's profile for their leave balances.

When creating a pay run, you'll see an option to View and Edit Leave Balances when adding pay info for specific employee in a pay run.

Clicking this option will give you a quick glance of:

  • The existing leave balances the employee has accrued for the leave item
  • How much leave for the respective leave item will be accrued in this specific pay run. (You can even override this accrual! More info that below).
  • If you've added a leave item to the pay run, it will also show you how many leave hours will be taken in that pay run.

If you want to action a one-off override of the amount leave accrued within the pay run, you can simply add in your own accrual value in the Accumulated This Pay field.

You'll notice the leave balance update dynamically depending on the accrual that you enter.

If you need to, you can also select not to accrue leave for the employee in this particular pay run by selecting the Do Not Accrue Time option.

Selecting this option will set the Leave Accumulated This Pay to 0.00 for all leave items in the pay run for that respective employee.

Hopefully this little tip can save you bit of time when reviewing leave or adds some value to your usual workflow!

Your regularly scheduled #TipTuesday will return next week! πŸ™‚
