Reimbursing an employee for paying a company bill

Tigrando Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member

I've recently moved from sole trader to company structure and I'm now using Reckon.

I had some bills and expenses that required payment before the first income came through and I paid these personally looking to reimburse once payment has come in.

These bills and payments occurred in one BAS quarter. I only received payment on the last day of the quarter and now my reimbursement will occur in the next BAS.

  1. How do I enter these expenses (I think ok), record payment (not sure) and do the reimbursement in Reckon (I can reimburse but don't know how to link this to paying of the bill).
  2. Which BAS quarter do I record the GST paid in - the one I paid personally or the one the reimbursement to me from company funds occurred in?

Alternatively, if you have links to this already being answered, much appreciated - I'm not sure I know the keywords to search for.

I'm working with Reckon One and Reckon Payroll

With thanks.
