Install New Personal plus

oskar Member Posts: 9 Novice Member Novice Member

I am running Personal Plus on a Mac Air using Parallels. l have numerous times installed the new version of Personal Plus. When I try to open it I get the following message and can't go any further

“Your program files(not your data files) may have been damaged. you will need to reinstall the program”

Is there a solution?


  • Jason_Z
    Jason_Z Reckon Staff Posts: 73 Reckon Staff

    Hi @oskar

    I'm sorry to hear you are also having issues with Reckon Personal Plus working on Parallels.

    At the moment, I’ve been recommending that people try installing Reckon Accounts Personal on VMware Fusion which is another virtual machine software.

    Is this an option for you?

  • Farrigal
    Farrigal Member Posts: 9 Reckoner Reckoner

    I also have this problem, and I must confess that I find reckons solution to this problem unsatisfactory the previous version worked perfectly on Parallels and at the request of reckon I upgraded to the new version and now find I can't use the program at all. The communication that I've had with reckon suggested that I do a clean install which I have done this still doesn't work and yet I am left floating as other users who cannot use this program also.

    reckon you need to fix this problem and you need to be open about your communication and let people know what's going on otherwise we will start using other programs which is not ideal but may become a necessity.

  • John_8305976
    John_8305976 Member Posts: 45 Reckon Star Reckon Star

    Hi @Farrigal

    cc: @Rav

    As one who has gone through somewhat similar frustrations recently, but with the previous version of RPP (2022), I suggest you be patient and I'm sure the Reckon staff will get you through it.

    As it turned out, my problem was with downloading ASX prices, and I eventually discovered it was caused by my own hardware and operating system (HP desktop, running Windows 10). I reset Win 10, which completely solved my problem.

    Something else I've done, a couple of days ago; I toured Reckon's website, in particular the info on management, staff and their values and was quite impressed.

    The other comment I would make is that you would be hard pressed finding better, similar software for use in Australia at this price elsewhere.

    I was not put up to making this post, nor am I getting anything out of it from Reckon, or others.


  • Farrigal
    Farrigal Member Posts: 9 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi John, thank you for your comment,

    however the two issues are completely different. The issue that I and others are talking about is that reckon was working on Parallels prior to the installation of their new release. Their solution was to try a cleaning install or use another piece of software, I must say this is unsatisfactory and I hope that reckon can correct the problem quickly.

    thank you for your thoughts on the issue

  • oskar
    oskar Member Posts: 9 Novice Member Novice Member

    worth a try.
    I entirely agree with Farrigal

  • John_8305976
    John_8305976 Member Posts: 45 Reckon Star Reckon Star

    I totally agree, the issues are entirely different. But, the same principal applies to your issues as they did to mine, in terms of dealing with our problems.

  • Jason_Z
    Jason_Z Reckon Staff Posts: 73 Reckon Staff

    Hi @Farrigal,

    Thank you for reaching out and sharing your feedback on this issue. We've made our product team aware of the reports we've received around install issues from a small number of users running Parallels.

    However, I'd also like to clarify, our Reckon Personal range of software is not compatible with the Mac operating system and while we understand many users choose to run our software in virtual environments like Parallels, please note that this setup is not formally supported or tested by our product team. This means that while it may work in some cases, we cannot guarantee full functionality or offer comprehensive support for issues that arise in such environments.

    That said, if you’re open to trying another option, I’ve had success with VMware Fusion, which has worked well for other customers who encountered similar issues with Parallels.

    Kind Regards,

  • oskar
    oskar Member Posts: 9 Novice Member Novice Member

    it appears that I am not going to be able to use the latest version with Parallels. How do I reinstall previous version so I can retrieve my data?

  • Farrigal
    Farrigal Member Posts: 9 Reckoner Reckoner

    A good question, one that I would also seek.

    it has been suggested that I install VM fusion, this is not an easy matter as you would now have to install Windows 11 again and possibly pay another subscription. This is not an optimum solution.

  • Jason_Z
    Jason_Z Reckon Staff Posts: 73 Reckon Staff
    edited November 2024

    Hi @oskar,

    I will speak to my team to see if this is an option and get back to you asap.


  • Farrigal
    Farrigal Member Posts: 9 Reckoner Reckoner

    hi Jason, if you can achieve this it will be appreciated, however getting the new version of reckon up and running will be even better.

    regards Mike

  • oskar
    oskar Member Posts: 9 Novice Member Novice Member

    thanks Jason it would be appreciated. I have been using quicken personal since 1990 so I am missing a lot of data at present

  • Jason_Z
    Jason_Z Reckon Staff Posts: 73 Reckon Staff

    Also I'd like to add that VMware Fusion is currently free for personal use.

    Another member on our community recommended that this video helped them as well.

  • Awesome
    Awesome Member Posts: 5 Novice Member Novice Member

    Here’s another Personal Plus user running the software on a Mac via Parallels, and I share the same frustrations mentioned above 😫.

    I’ve been using Parallels successfully for many years to access Personal Plus. However, I see that the current recommendation is to switch to VMware Fusion. I’d like to know if Reckon can provide any assurance that VMware Fusion will reliably support Personal Plus on a Mac. I’m hesitant to rebuild my setup, especially if it risks causing issues with other Windows-based software already installed on my system.

  • Farrigal
    Farrigal Member Posts: 9 Reckoner Reckoner

    Well said, I believe it's time that reckon stood up and took ownership of this problem and sorted it out, after all they charge us a fee every year for the continued use of their product. It is not unreasonable that they would help us out to sort out this issue.

  • Jason_Z
    Jason_Z Reckon Staff Posts: 73 Reckon Staff
    edited November 2024

    Hi @oskar,

    Thank you for your patience, and I apologize for the delay in getting back to you.

    Unfortunately the previous version of Reckon personal edition has been officially discontinued and is no longer available, as the latest v31 edition of the Personal Range has been introduced.

    The Reckon Personal Range has always been built for and tested on the Windows operating system and not supported on other environments including MacOS and/or a virtual machine environment. While a number of users have had varying degrees of success in running the software on a VM, this is outside the norm in terms of what the software has been tested for.

    Moving forward, the v31 edition is the only edition of Reckon Personal software that is currently available.

    Thanks again for your patience, and please feel free to reach out if you have any other questions.

  • oskar
    oskar Member Posts: 9 Novice Member Novice Member

    I agree Reckon need to help resolve this issue - sooner rather than later. They are not providing the service that we have paid for.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,649 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited November 2024

    Hi @Awesome @Farrigal @oskar

    Just for clarity, no we do not provide any assurance or support for any Personal Range software installation on a virtual machine environment; VMware Fusion, Parallels or other. The Personal Range software has always been built for and tested on a native Windows OS install and is not tested or supported in any virtual machines or other OS.

    While a number of users here on the Community have reported varying degrees of success in running the software in a virtual machine environment over the years ultimately, this is outside the norms in terms of what the software has been tested for.

  • oskar
    oskar Member Posts: 9 Novice Member Novice Member


    As you are unable to provide the service would please refund my license fee. I am surprised that you don’t cater for apple based systems in Australia as I understand reckon in USA does.

  • Farrigal
    Farrigal Member Posts: 9 Reckoner Reckoner

    I have to ask, why reckon a leader in accounting software cannot talk directly to Parallels a leader in operating Windows-based programs on an Apple environment. You are both High Tech companies with a lot of expertise far beyond that of your users. We would expect that you would take up this cause and solve our problems as any reputable company would do..

  • Awesome
    Awesome Member Posts: 5 Novice Member Novice Member

    These are both interesting and confusing comments from Reckon. When I couldn’t get version V31 to work, I reached out to Reckon and requested access to the 2022 version. They informed me that it was available for download on my Reckon homepage. I successfully downloaded the older version, only to encounter the same installation issues as with V31.

    This situation is becoming increasingly perplexing. The 2022 version worked perfectly on Parallels before I attempted the upgrade, but now I can’t even reinstall the same software that was previously functional.

    What’s particularly frustrating is Reckon’s apparent lack of consideration for macOS users. It’s surprising that they seem so single-minded in their approach, seemingly overlooking the fact that many of their customers rely on macOS. It would be great if Reckon considered macOS compatibility when developing software upgrades, rather than leaving loyal customers out in the cold.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,649 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited November 2024

    I can certainly understand the frustration some of you are experiencing with this specific situation however as previously mentioned, the Reckon Personal Range is not built for, nor tested on, any OS or environment other than a direct native installation of Windows OS as outlined in the system requirements here.

    This has always been the case for this particular range of software and we will not be looking at developing this software range for any other OS versions.

    Appreciate that may not be an outcome you're looking for however I think its important to be completely transparent on that front with you all so we're all on the same page in terms of expectations.

    I have to commend @Jason_Z for going above and beyond in this thread in trying to find a solution and has come across a potential workaround with VMware Fusion as shared above. Again though, this is not something we support so its ultimately used at your own discretion and risk. We cannot guarantee its success or provide technical assistance if issues arise when using a virtual machine environment.

    Thank you all for your understanding, and if there are any further questions or concerns, feel free to share them here. We'll do our best to assist within the supported parameters of the Reckon Personal Range.

  • Awesome
    Awesome Member Posts: 5 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited November 2024


    So it now appears that I need to invest in additional hardware :(, if I wish to continue using my Reckon Account Personal software subscription.

    So as this issue does not spiral out of control, can you please advise the most appropriate hardware / OS I should purchase to ensure that the Reckon product will operate as designed.

  • John_8305976
    John_8305976 Member Posts: 45 Reckon Star Reckon Star

    Hi @Rav

    Just reading through this whole conversation, it's clearly evident to me that some users/intending users have not done enough research of the Reckon product before they have purchased or renewed their licence.

    May I suggest something that might help potential subscribers going forward, and, of course, would also avoid staff having to unnecessarily defend/explain their product?

    That being, the option for potential new customers to be able to trial the current/future versions, for, say, 30 days. Of course, this would be under licence. And, just like RPP2022 licencees, if they don't upgrade to v31, when their time is due, they 'turn into a pumpkin'.

    Having this option would help potential users to identify things like hardware and OS issues they may have on their respective computers.

    Cheers jc

  • oskar
    oskar Member Posts: 9 Novice Member Novice Member

    hi John

    Note your comments re users not doing enough research of products. I would like to point out that I have been using this product for over 30 years doing upgrades as they have been released. This is the first one hasn’t been compatible with my system. You don’t expect after all that time a change would be made that results in customers being locked out of 30 years of data.

  • Awesome
    Awesome Member Posts: 5 Novice Member Novice Member

    Ditto, Oskar, I'm in the same boat. I just got off the phone with Parallels support, and they informed me that the issue appears to stem from Parallels using ARM architecture, while Reckon still relies on Intel architecture, which is incompatible. However, I’m still puzzled as to how I managed to get Personal 2022 to work successfully on my Apple M1 Mac.

  • John_8305976
    John_8305976 Member Posts: 45 Reckon Star Reckon Star

    Emotions aside, @oskar

    1. Does your 'system' meet all the requirements, in every way, as outlined by Reckon, for use of their product?
    2. Have you ensured or at least taken steps to ensure, that your 'system' is working exactly as it should be?

    Cheers jc

  • John_8305976
    John_8305976 Member Posts: 45 Reckon Star Reckon Star

    Emotions aside @Awesome

    I, pardon the pun, reckon that Reckon has every right to utilise Intel architecture, which, I believe, IS compatible with all the other requirements stipulated for successful use of their product.

  • Awesome
    Awesome Member Posts: 5 Novice Member Novice Member

    Acknowledged, John. My earlier post wasn’t meant to criticise Reckon, but simply to share a fact for the benefit of other users who might encounter a similar issue.

  • faigey
    faigey Member Posts: 58 Reckoner Reckoner

    Firstly I am using a Mac running Windows 11 via Parallels.

    I have successfully used Reckons Personal Plus for years on a Mac running Windows 10 and then 11 via parallels without encountering any problems.

    I replaced my old Mac a year ago with the latest brand new Imac and have had no problems with Personal Plus 2022 until yesterday after Reckons invited users to update to Personal Plus V31 as detailed further.

    I have an urgent and new problem.

    I have received the following email extract which is INNACURATE and now currently means I cannot use Reckons Personal Plus at all

    "Reckon Accounts Personal Range

    Hi Everyone,

    The latest Reckon Accounts Personal Range for AU & NZ are scheduled for release on 19 November 2024.

    This version has been thoroughly tested and is fully compatible with Windows 11."

    However, I have since been advised by Reckons Technical Staff that the program has indeed NOTbeen tested on a Mac using Reckons with Windows11 via Parallels.

    Before being aware of the above I had downloaded and tried to update to Reckon Accounts Personal Plus V31 and encountered the following: "Your program files(not your data files may have been damaged.You will need to reinstall the program." I have tried to reinstall three times without success.

    I was then advised by Reckon technical staff to try and reinstall the previous 2022 executable version which I have saved on my Mac

    The same problem occurs - 'program files have been damaged"

    Reckon technical staff now cannot provide any further advice and in lieu to try contacting Reckon Community for assistance.

    I find all of this extremely annoying.

    In particular the Reckons email inviting users to update should have contained a warning to the effect it would not work for Mac computers.

    Furthermore why was it working with the previous 2022 Personal Plus?

    Now my immediate options are (a) buy a PC or (b) change to another software accounting package which I am reluctant to do because I am quite experienced and like the Personal Plus version.

    I need some help quickly.

  • Farrigal
    Farrigal Member Posts: 9 Reckoner Reckoner

    Well said, the only thing that I would add is that all other Intel products e.g. Windows 11, Microsoft Office and a whole range of other programs all work using Parallels, what is so special about reckon that it will not work. Lastly, if this is such a problem. Is there any reason why I reckon can't do a cloud based personal Plus version that would overcome all of these problems.

  • emheenan
    emheenan Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member

    if anyone is keeping count, I’ve had the same problem. I also could not run RPP 2022 after reinstalling it. So it appears the problem is not just with V31.
    I could only solve it by reverting to a backup of my virtual machine from pre-uninstalltion of RPP 2022.

  • Farrigal
    Farrigal Member Posts: 9 Reckoner Reckoner

    The mystery continues, why is it that the 2022 version of reckon works? However once the version 31 is installed everything doesn't work and we can't go back to the 2022 version what is it that reckon I'm not telling us and why can't they sort it out? This is a mystery, what are your thoughts?

  • oskar
    oskar Member Posts: 9 Novice Member Novice Member

    we should at least have access to the 2022 version. In old days when updates were on discs we always had the previous version to revert to. I have always practiced having back ups of previous work in case there are some unforeseen consequences. Reckon could should think about some risk management.

  • Farrigal
    Farrigal Member Posts: 9 Reckoner Reckoner

    You're right, reckon at the very least should provide a way back to at least keep us working with the program. We have after all paid a reasonable price for their program and yet they are providing very little assistance to keep us using it, what are your thoughts?

  • faigey
    faigey Member Posts: 58 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Oskar

    If you have an account with Reckons then Version 2022 is indeed available.

    (1) I downloaded version 2022 from my account and tried to install it.

    However, same problem persists.

    (2) I ran a back up copy of version 2022 , previous stored several years ago, on an external hard drive.

    This also does not work

  • John_8305976
    John_8305976 Member Posts: 45 Reckon Star Reckon Star

    Hi @emheenan and others

    It's been my understanding for years, that when a new version is released (eg. v31), once a user's licence period on the replaced version (eg. RPP2022) expires, then Reckon will no longer allow that user to re-register it. So, to continue using Reckon Personal Plus Home, the user must purchase a licence to use the new version.

    I still urge users/potential users to ensure/check that their computer has the correct specs to support the proper running of Reckon software as specified by Reckon.

    Any deviation from such, is fraught with potential disappointment! I hesitate to say it, but, that's life!

    I also would like to reiterate a post I made on Nov 28, per the above link.

    Cheers JC

    cc @Rav

  • faigey
    faigey Member Posts: 58 Reckoner Reckoner

    My understanding is each license has its unique Installation Key (IKC).

    My Reckons account has a unique key number for version 2022 for which I have paid annual fees over the last several years and so was able to download this version again - but problem persists.

    My account has a differing (IKC) for version V31 and so was able to download and try this - but problem persists.

    cc @Rav