Share Price Download does not include ticker WJL
Since the demerger of WEB into WEB and WJL there have been no downloads of WJL and it does not appear as an option when searching for similar stocks.
Now on V31 - no fix …..
Hi @macca7469
I just added the WJL ticker code and ran an update which seemed to work fine. See results below.
Here's the configuration I used for the security.
Just a note, since you already know the ticker code, there's no need to use the look up, just enter the ticker code along with the other details in your setup and then click OK.
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Hi Rav, thanks but no luck my end - refer below and nothing comes up in the lookup … WEB is ok, not WJL.
Any ideas? Thanks0 -
Hi @macca7469
As mentioned above, do not use the lookup as there's no need to since you already know the ticker code.
I can see that you've already entered WJL into the symbol field based on your screenshot above. Rather than clicking the lookup button, just go ahead and complete the setup of the item.
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