Share price history missing V31

Mike47 Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member

I've updated to V31but when I open share portfolio no price history exist for any Australian shares


  • GerryWinter
    GerryWinter Accredited Partner Posts: 1,418 Personal Range Elite Expert Personal Range Expert

    it sounds like you opened the wrong data file check your backups and maybe go to the last backup

    Gerry id 6376

    Gerhard Winter

    Ph. 0418907140

    Reckon Store Next Door

    "Always at your Service"


  • John_8305976
    John_8305976 Member Posts: 52 Reckon Star Reckon Star

    Hi @Mike47

    I had a similar issue recently and @Datarec kindly offered the following solution, which worked for me-

    With the price history, that is normally stored is a file that has a ".QPH" file extension.

    Its file name would be identical to your data file name.

    For example, if your data file name is "QDATA" then:

    QDATA.QDF —- this is the primary file

    QDATA.QPH —- this is the price history file

    (There are other supplementary files that constitute a data file set)

    Your file name appears to be "JandJ", so you would likely have files in the data file set like:




    and so on.

    If you have been making use of the backup function of the Reckon Accounts Personal Plus software that combines the primary data file and the supplementary files, you would have a backup that has a file extension ".RKN".

    Example: JandJ.RKN or "JandJ DD-MM-YYYY.RKN" (if you have enabled the addition of the date to the backup file name

    If you look at the current data file that you have opened and where it is located, have a look at the size of the QDF and the QPH files.

    Then if you have older copies of the data file or other backup sets, check the size of the QPH file in those older sets.

    If the size of the QPH in the older backup copies is larger than that which is in the current data file set, then those older QPH files may contain the missing price history you are looking for.

    You could then consider:

    1. Make a backup of your current data file set and store it in a known folder location
    2. Close the Reckon Accounts Personal Plus application
    3. Rename the existing current QPH file (Example: QDATA.QPH.OLD)
    4. Make a copy of the QPH from the older sets which is larger and place it in the same folder location as the current data file set, ensure that the file name of the QPH is identical to the one that is the current QDF file. (Example: if you had renamed a file from QDATA.QPH.OLD, ensure that the larger QPH file you are copying would be called "QDATA.QPH")
    5. Re-open the Reckon Accounts Personal Plus application and open the current data file (QDF) and confirm whether the replacement of the QPH file now shows the price history you are expecting)

    Cheers jc