Reckon One update ✨ Bug fixes for payslip decimal places & enhancement to pay schedules

Hey everyone, we've hit the ground running in 2025 with Reckon One receiving its first update today. Its a quick little update that squishes a couple of bugs and adds an improvement as well!
Check out the inclusions of today's update below.
🧮 Fix for payslip preview showing 3 decimal places
This release includes a fix for the print preview of a payslip displaying the This Pay, YTD and Annual Salary balances with 3 decimal places. These balances will now correctly display with 2 decimal places as expected.
📆 Enhancement to scheduled pay run names
When creating a pay run from a pay schedule, the pay run name is prefilled however the name format will now display as <Schedule name> <Pay date>
. This will prevent any instances where you're required to manually give the pay run a unique name.
📛 Improved book access messaging
We've tightened up some of the messaging that will appear if you don't have access to a book or access to certain features by your admin (where relevant).