Still having trouble with posting payruns since the payroll was merged back into the GL

Anne Sterling
Anne Sterling Member Posts: 19 Reckoner Reckoner

For my last payrun I used the payroll app on my iphone. It allowed me to complete the run, but I went back in a few days later it had been reset to draft, despite the fact it had been processed in the GL. I postedit again, it went through, and with the help of another community member managed to delete the double posting and payment. So this fortnight, I decided to flick the app and log into Reckon One on the computer. Ran through the payroll , completed it, ticked to send payslips. Then when I went to submit to the ATO got an error message it couldn't do it. Logged out and went back in, to find the payrun set to draft, despite the fact it has processed into the GL! Can someone explain why this is happening?


  • 40176
    40176 Member Posts: 12 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Anne, we are having this same issue, but for the third time! Extremely frustrating. The first two issues are only half resolved. We need to keep the payrun as a draft(after finally submitting to ATO, staff are paid etc) or when you go to create a back payment it pulls these in again…. About to call support team again, to see if they can help, AGAIN!! - Mel

  • Lucas
    Lucas Reckon Staff Posts: 310 Reckon Staff

    Hi @Anne Sterling & @40176,

    We're actively working on finding a solution for this issue at the moment of Pay runs reverting back to draft after marking as paid, sending the STP and pay slips to your employees.

    It's one of our highest priorities and will keep you informed as much as we can around this issue.

    Thank you and speak soon.

  • 40176
    40176 Member Posts: 12 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Lucas,

    I have been able to mark last weeks payrun as Paid and submit to ATO. Our issue is we now have three journal entries which is not ideal, as the next payrun will pull this in when creating the bank payment!

    Please help.

    We already have to payruns sitting as drafts to avoid this issue.

    Regards Mel

  • Lucas
    Lucas Reckon Staff Posts: 310 Reckon Staff

    Hi @40176,

    We currently already know that the additional journal entries are created as well due to this bug. You would need to remove the additional duplicated journal entries, so it does not affect your bank payment.

    We hope to have a fix released as soon as possible and apologize for the inconvenience.

    Thank you and speak soon.

  • Lorelle
    Lorelle Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member

    We are also having this issue but only with one past payroll however the one showing as draft is showing STP as going through to tax office but not reporting to them, one of our currents that is showing correct is also not reporting to tax office. I can no longer get into stp to see if that is showing as complete

  • Jason_Z
    Jason_Z Reckon Staff Posts: 78 Reckon Staff

    Hi @Lorelle,

    Could you clarify what you mean by STP going through to the tax office but not reporting to them?

    Our team is currently working on fixing cases where some pay runs are reverting to draft, but this seems a bit different.

  • Lorelle
    Lorelle Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member

    STP is showing as completed but the amounts are not showing in the totals that reported to the tax office in December. Maryanne Ramsay rang and logged this as a concern with your office and was told it is being fixed. The actual payrun reverted to draft but stp shows completed

  • Jason_Z
    Jason_Z Reckon Staff Posts: 78 Reckon Staff

    Thanks @Lorelle

    Could you also confirm the status of the STP submissions in Reckon for me?

    If the case has been logged with one of our agents, they will get back to you as soon as a fix has been delivered

  • Lorelle
    Lorelle Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member

    Staus is Success but reckon is logging me out when I try and go into STP today. the one I thought was a concern orginally was w/e 02/01/2025 which is still showing in draft with STP success however the w/e 09/01/2025 has reported the wrong amount to the ATO for one of the employees also. I am only going off the amount that it shows on when they go in to do their centrelink reporting.

  • Jason_Z
    Jason_Z Reckon Staff Posts: 78 Reckon Staff

    Hi @Lorelle

    Regarding the pay run reverting to draft, our teams are actively working on a fix and hope to release an update soon.

    As for the incorrect amount sent to the ATO, please note that STP updates YTD balances with each submission. Therefore, as long as you’ve submitted the most recent pay run, your YTD balances should be accurate.