Pay Templates are now available in Reckon Payroll! ✨

Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,728 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

We're super excited to announce that Pay Templates are now live in Reckon Payroll!

This new feature provides the capability to create, manage and update pay setup information for employees in a single location making it easy to apply settings to multiple employees. This helps save time in manual entry, reduce errors and improve accuracy of payroll.

A template will determine what rate and which additional earnings pay items and allowances are to be added to the employees' pay setup.

Check out the benefits of using pay templates!

✨ Pay templates save you time by simply managing templates that can be applied to one or multiple employees with just a few clicks—no more manual updates to individual employees!

✨ Set rates in one place and skip the hassle of updating each employee individually.

✨ Supports consistency and accuracy in payroll processing and pay setup by reducing errors from repetitive data entry.

Check out our Pay templates how-to video for step-by-step instructions and tips on getting set up!