Hourly leave accrual diverts to different percentage

Just wondering if someone could explain as to why my hourly leave accrual changes from 2.923 per hour (for a 38 hour week) to 2.55 when setting up payroll? Also same for sick leave, should be 1.461 but changes in Reckon to 1.28?
152 hours leave per year (4 weeks annual) divided by 52 = 2.923 but showing up on payslip as 2.55???
Best Answers
That's weekly not hourly, divide 2.923 by 38 and you get 0.07692 and Reckon will default to 0.07694
same with sick leave comes out at 0.03833
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Edit -Preferences -General
Have you got the time format set to Minutes or Decimal? I always use decimal
Charley, my mistake I meant weekly. My issue is that I put in 2.923 into reckon and it changes it to 2.55?
Kris - where do you put in a "time format"?
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Look at my post, Edit - ……..
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All sorted, figured it out. We have it set as minutes but going to convert into decimal.
Appreciate your help, have never heard of this so have learnt something today.
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glad to be of help, any time