Bank feed suddenly stopped

307723455594884259 Member Posts: 5 Novice Member Novice Member

Bank feed suddenly stopped coming in Reckon Bank Transactions. I have tried to "re-auth" from the bank connection - status/

After pressing the Re-AUTH button, it shows the pop up message as below for the bank account. how to fix?



  • Tanvi_kataria
    Tanvi_kataria Reckon Staff Posts: 353 Reckon Staff

    Morning @307723455594884259

    Regarding the Re-auth, if you can please confirm whether the feed has been created or added into the book using the same portal account (Email Address) that you are using to Re-auth?

    I hope this information helps-

    "It has to be done through Portal Account with email address that was used to add the feed in the software and other user if tries to Re-auth on anyone's behalf, will get an error "

    Please feel free to reach out for any concerns. Thank you!

