Can i reinstate a terminated employee

Angela_10863853 Member Posts: 32 Reckoner Reckoner

If i terminate an employee can i reinstate them?


  • Alexis McKeown
    Alexis McKeown Reckon Staff Posts: 481 Reckon Staff

    Dear @Angela_10863853 ,

    Yes - you can. To reinstate a terminated employee, you must do the following:

    1. If they have a Termination Pay Run, you must delete this first.
      1. You can do so by going into the Employees Centre.
      2. Select the employee from the list on the left.
      3. Find their termination pay run on the right, and open it by double-left-clicking it.
      4. Press Control + D on your keyboard to delete it.
    2. Next, right-click and Edit the employee.
    3. Change Tabs to Employment info.
    4. Find their Termination Date, and delete it.
    5. Press OK.
    6. Go back to the Employee Centre.
    7. Right-Click on the employee, and Activate them if they are inactive.

    Kind regards,

    Alexis McKeown

    Reckon Senior Technical Support

  • Kris_Williams
    Kris_Williams Member Posts: 3,761 Reckon Accounts Hosted Elite Expert Reckon Accounts Hosted Expert

    I have done this by making the employee active and deleting the termination date, but I don’t normally have a termination pay as such just a final pay

  • Angela_10863853
    Angela_10863853 Member Posts: 32 Reckoner Reckoner

    Thank you, will this also bring back all the annual leave and sick leave balances?

  • Alexis McKeown
    Alexis McKeown Reckon Staff Posts: 481 Reckon Staff

    Dear @Angela_10863853 ,

    This is accomplished by deleting the Termination Pay Run you would've processed for the employee when they were terminated.

    Kind regards,

    Alexis McKeown

    Reckon Senior Technical Support

  • Kris_Williams
    Kris_Williams Member Posts: 3,761 Reckon Accounts Hosted Elite Expert Reckon Accounts Hosted Expert

    Whichever way you do it you need to reset the leave details if they aren’t already zero, and if they are now accruing leave