βœ… RESOLVED - Issue with paid pay runs being reverted back to draft status in Reckon Payroll

Luke Moderator, Reckon Staff Posts: 229 Moderator Moderator
edited February 21 in Reckon Payroll

Hi Reckon Payroll Customers,

We've had a small number of Reckon Payroll users report to us that their pay runs marked as Paid status are being reverted back to Draft status once pay slips are being sent out to their employees. If you find yourself in this circumstance, please do not attempt to mark the pay run as paid until you do the following first:

  1. Delete the payment relating to the pay run - this can be identified by the pay run description
  2. Delete the journal

We are investigating the potential cause and a resolution as our highest priority.

We'll keep this announcement updated with more information as soon as it becomes available.

Thank you all for your patience and our sincere apologies for the inconvenience this has caused so far.



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  • dave
    dave Member Posts: 15 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi, when running a Payrun, I marked as paid, then submitting STP to ATO gave an error message from Reckon One. Logging out then logging back in, it showed the Payrun status as "Draft" and STP Submissions did not show the data was submitted. So I marked as paid again, and submitted STP data, successfully this time.

    However, this has created a duplicate journal entry for the Pay Run, and I can't delete 1 of them because the Delete Error says it's linked to a debtor/creditor transaction. How can I remove the duplicate?

  • klaura
    klaura Reckon Staff Posts: 297 Reckon Staff
    edited January 28

    Hi dave,

    I am sorry you have to go through that. You can delete the duplicate journal entry by following these steps.

    1. Revert the Payrun back to draft again.
    2. Go back you Journals and delete the duplicate Journal entry.
    3. Mark the Payrun as Paid
    4. Check if the duplicate journal still exists.

    Let me know how you go with it.

    Best regards,


  • dave
    dave Member Posts: 15 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited January 28

    Hi Karren, will this mean I have to resubmit STP data to ATO? And thus a chance of duplicate submissions to ATO?

  • klaura
    klaura Reckon Staff Posts: 297 Reckon Staff
    edited January 28 Answer βœ“

    Hi dave,

    There is no need to resubmit STP data to ATO since there was no changes made to the Payrun.

    Best regards,


  • Bronnie
    Bronnie Member Posts: 15 Reckoner Reckoner


    One of my clients pay runs keeps reverting to draft, even though the STP report has been successfully lodged.

    When I first created pay run everything seemed to work fine and it marked it as paid and STP report was sent successfully (I have checked the ATO portal and it is there). I noticed the pay slip had not been emailed so I went back to check and noticed the pay run was marked as draft.

    I have marked as paid (successfully) numerous times but when I go back in it has again reverted to draft. Because of this the pay slip email is not sending.

    Please help

  • Reeta
    Reeta Reckon Staff Posts: 207 Reckon Staff
    edited January 28

    Hi @Bronnie ,

    Thank you for sharing the details and sorry to hear that you are having issue with Pay-run.

    To troubleshoot the issue, could you please let me know the following?

    • Are there any changes or edit being made to the pay-run by reverting it to draft at any instance?
    • Does the " Draft" status reverts immediately, or does this occur after a specific action ( such as refreshing page, logging out of Reckon payroll or some notification appears and then the Pay-run converts to draft)
    • Have you tried creating a new test pay-run to check whether the issue also occurs for that new test pay-run as well ?

    If you could let me know, that would be great for identifying the cause of the issue you are having and finding a solution.

    Kind regards,


  • Bronnie
    Bronnie Member Posts: 15 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited January 28

    Hi Reeta,

    I just created a test pay run which worked perfectly. It also seemed to fix the previous pay run issue I was having. It is now correctly displaying as 'done' instead of draft.

    Thanks for your help.


  • Reeta
    Reeta Reckon Staff Posts: 207 Reckon Staff
    edited January 28 Answer βœ“

    Hi @Bronnie ,

    I am glad to hear that the test pay-run has worked without any issues and it also resolved the previous issue.

    If you have any further questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out.

    Happy to assist.

    Kind regards,


  • StephenLi
    StephenLi Member Posts: 10 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited January 28

    My last week's pay run also had the same issue of being reverted to draft in Reckon Payroll after marking as Paid. It happened after the pay run was successfully created and was marked as Paid, I logged out and came back later on to send out the pay slips but then it reverted to Draft and the pay slips were failed to be emailed. Called 1300 help line but was not able to get it resolved straight away and was told it had to be escalated to the next level, but heard nothing after that.

    The next morning I logged in again to mark the pay run as Paid, this time it did not revert to draft and the pay slips were able to be sent out. Yet, logged in earlier this afternoon to create a new pay run for this week, the old pay run of last week then became draft again, how frustrating! As Bronnie pointed out above, it happens even though STP was successfully lodged. Just hope Reckon's technical support team can help fixing it before it becomes a serious issue.

  • RonLynch
    RonLynch Member Posts: 6 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited December 2024

    Hi, After Creating a Pay Run, Marking it as Paid and Submitting to the ATO, the Pay Run is still sitting there as 'Draft'. In this state, it is unable to be Deleted, and I am unable to create a new Pay Run while it is in the Draft State, very Frustrating, the only solution seems to be logging off and waiting half hour for it to sort itself out. Cheers, Ron.

  • Michelle Fendt
    Michelle Fendt Member Posts: 24 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited January 28

    I am still having this problem after several weeks. It means I cannot create a Superstream contribution at the time of my payrun and must come back later in the day to complete it.

    Will keep an eye out for a fix to be posted here by Reckon soon 🀞

  • Joydeep Singh
    Joydeep Singh Reckon Staff Posts: 23 Reckon Staff
    edited January 28

    Hi @StephenLi and @Michelle Fendt,

    Our development team is checking on this issue of payruns reverting to draft automatically and there would be a release soon in the new year to fix these issues. For now, our customers reported that it was working fine from the payroll app and it only happens when they use an internet browser. This issue may happen when you send payslips or submit your STP to ATO. We would request you to try marking the payrun as paid after it has reverted to draft and it should process successfully and stay as paid. Apologies for the inconvenience caused and we are working on the highest priority to fix these issues.

    ROB PAYNE Member Posts: 40 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited January 28

    I have the same problem - happened on last pay run in Dec

    When I try to revert the payrun - I get these two error messages

    I cannot see the bank payment

    Please help



  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,824 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited January 28

    Hi @RonLynch

    Thanks for flagging this, it certainly does sound pretty frustrating.

    Is this behaviour still occurring for you since you published this post?

    Also, you mentioned that you logout and wait a period of time, after doing so does that pay run's status automatically update to the Done status?

  • klaura
    klaura Reckon Staff Posts: 297 Reckon Staff
    edited January 28


    Are you able to set the payrun to draft without deleting the bank payment? If not, then we can delete the bank payment in Reckon One transaction under Banking. You should be able to delete the duplicate entry once the payment has been deleted.

    I hope it helps.

    Best regards,


  • Anne Sterling
    Anne Sterling Member Posts: 25 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited January 28

    I am having exactly the same problem, so waiting to see if the latest suggestion works

    ROB PAYNE Member Posts: 40 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited January 28

    Hi Anne Sterling

    I worked it out - had to go back into the Bank Payment list and delete that aba payment - I then delete the journal entry and then the individual duplicated transaction payments to employees in the transaction list.

    Sounds like a stuff up at the Reckon end if it happened to other people.

    What gets me is that they dont recognise these things happening and dont provide enough help to rectify the problem - we have to work it out ourselves taking time and stress !!

    Im getting a bit frustrated - as we have also had a lot of errors in the calculations of LSL, annual leave and sick leave on a number of employees and when one of my partners did discuss it with Reckon support they logged in and stuffed more balances up !!!

    Im seriously thinking about changing to Xero

  • Anne Sterling
    Anne Sterling Member Posts: 25 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited January 28

    Yes I agree Rob Payne , I suspect it was to do with taking Payroll back into the main program too. The duplication for me was only with the GL, I didn't have a duplicate in the payroll section, so didn't have a duplicate run to set back to draft. I only had to delete the payment then payroll journals, and all OK now.

  • Zwani
    Zwani Member Posts: 7 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited January 28

    Hi, Any solution to this

  • 885566
    885566 Member Posts: 13 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited January 28

    It appears there may have been a glitch in Payroll around the 6th December 2024. A few people are reporting an issue where the pay run has processed ok, but it has created a duplicated journal in R1.

    It doesn't appear that there is a solution to deleting the duplicated journal.

    Can we have a response pleaese Reckon Techs. And please do not say delete the payroll and do it again. That does not cut the mustard.

  • Nickiu
    Nickiu Reckon Staff Posts: 219 Reckon Staff
    edited January 28

    Hi @885566,

    We are currently investigating on this issue and at this stage to clear the erroneous journal is to delete the payments from Make payment screen, then delete the journal.

    Thank you,


  • Stacey_6976885
    Stacey_6976885 Member Posts: 64 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited January 16

    Last week's pay and now this week's pay, I mark as paid, then email payslips, get confirmation that they have been sent. The recipients aren't getting them, and now when I go back to the payrun, both last week's and this week's run are showing as a draft, even though I have previously finalised and sent the STP report to the ATO?

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,824 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited January 28

    Hi @Stacey_6976885

    Are both of those pay runs the only ones you've created in Reckon Payroll lately? Or are there other pay runs that you've created as well since which have worked correctly?

  • Stacey_6976885
    Stacey_6976885 Member Posts: 64 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited January 28

    they are the two payruns for the start of the new year, I went through and marked them as paid again, which worked, I also resubmitted last week's STP report, now I have two STP's for the same pay period. Can one be deleted? I submited the STP report for today's payrun, said it was successful, but when I checked, it hadn't uploaded. Waiting to get answer before I resubmit it.

    I have been able to sort the issue with payslips not emailing, from a previous post.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,824 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited January 28

    While you can't delete a sent STP submission, I wouldn't worry about that resubmission for last week since STP is reported on a YTD basis only. If you've sent through the STP submission for today's pay run as well, once its processed it will overwrite and update the YTD balances for those employees.

    In regard to the behaviour of the pay runs switching back to draft, I've just spoken with the product dev team and they're currently investigating this so hopefully we should see this rectified very soon.

  • Mark_9171963
    Mark_9171963 Member Posts: 69 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited January 28

    Hi there guys.

    I can confirm that this is indeed a problem. It happened to us last week and again this week. Pay status reverts back to draft after confirmation that pay has been finalised.

    Log out, clear cache, wait 20 minutes then the "Draft" pay can me marked as finalised.

    Problem is that it creates 2 identical entries for each employees pay in Reckon One.

    Also, top Options button does not allow drop-down box when clicked as per screenshot below.

    Cheers. Mark.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,824 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited January 28

    Hi @Mark_9171963

    Thanks for the additional info.

    In regard to the situation where duplicate journal entries are created, from what I understand if you delete the associated payments from Make Payment screen, you can then delete the journal. This will then remove the data of that duplicated journal.

    Let me know if that helps at all in the interim while we investigate the cause of this.

  • 885566
    885566 Member Posts: 13 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited January 28

    I have found that if the pay run is reverted to draft one journal disappears and the other journal can then be deleted.

    When the pay is then marked as paid again, only on journal is created.

  • LQHB
    LQHB Member Posts: 5 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited January 28

    Has this been resolved as my payruns are still reverting to draft and when I mark as paid again it doubles up in the General ledger so I have to delete the payrun and redo it again. This is happened in 3 different companies.

  • Michelle Fendt
    Michelle Fendt Member Posts: 24 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited January 28

    Hi @LQHB ,

    My pay run went through without issues this week.

    I also had to reverse out double entry journals from previous pay runs that were reverting to drafts.

    Hopefully you will see it working ok this week 🀞

  • Anne Sterling
    Anne Sterling Member Posts: 25 Reckoner Reckoner

    For my last payrun I used the payroll app on my iphone. It allowed me to complete the run, but I went back in a few days later it had been reset to draft, despite the fact it had been processed in the GL. I postedit again, it went through, and with the help of another community member managed to delete the double posting and payment. So this fortnight, I decided to flick the app and log into Reckon One on the computer. Ran through the payroll , completed it, ticked to send payslips. Then when I went to submit to the ATO got an error message it couldn't do it. Logged out and went back in, to find the payrun set to draft, despite the fact it has processed into the GL! Can someone explain why this is happening?

  • 40176
    40176 Member Posts: 12 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited January 28

    Hi Anne, we are having this same issue, but for the third time! Extremely frustrating. The first two issues are only half resolved. We need to keep the payrun as a draft(after finally submitting to ATO, staff are paid etc) or when you go to create a back payment it pulls these in again…. About to call support team again, to see if they can help, AGAIN!! - Mel

  • Lucas
    Lucas Reckon Staff Posts: 349 Reckon Staff
    edited January 28

    Hi @Anne Sterling & @40176,

    We're actively working on finding a solution for this issue at the moment of Pay runs reverting back to draft after marking as paid, sending the STP and pay slips to your employees.

    It's one of our highest priorities and will keep you informed as much as we can around this issue.

    Thank you and speak soon.

  • Reeta
    Reeta Reckon Staff Posts: 207 Reckon Staff
    edited January 28

    Hi LQHB and Michelle,

    Thank you for your patience and understanding regarding this matter.

    We acknowledge that the situation may be frustrating, and please rest assured that our development team is actively addressing the issue as high priority. We will inform you as soon as we have an update.

    Thank you once again for your continued patience.

    Kind regards,


  • 40176
    40176 Member Posts: 12 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited January 28

    Hi Lucas,

    I have been able to mark last weeks payrun as Paid and submit to ATO. Our issue is we now have three journal entries which is not ideal, as the next payrun will pull this in when creating the bank payment!

    Please help.

    We already have to payruns sitting as drafts to avoid this issue.

    Regards Mel

  • Lucas
    Lucas Reckon Staff Posts: 349 Reckon Staff
    edited January 28

    Hi @40176,

    We currently already know that the additional journal entries are created as well due to this bug. You would need to remove the additional duplicated journal entries, so it does not affect your bank payment.

    We hope to have a fix released as soon as possible and apologize for the inconvenience.

    Thank you and speak soon.

  • Lorelle
    Lorelle Member Posts: 6 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited January 28

    We are also having this issue but only with one past payroll however the one showing as draft is showing STP as going through to tax office but not reporting to them, one of our currents that is showing correct is also not reporting to tax office. I can no longer get into stp to see if that is showing as complete

  • Jason_Z
    Jason_Z Reckon Staff Posts: 118 Reckon Staff
    edited January 28

    Hi @Lorelle,

    Could you clarify what you mean by STP going through to the tax office but not reporting to them?

    Our team is currently working on fixing cases where some pay runs are reverting to draft, but this seems a bit different.

  • Lorelle
    Lorelle Member Posts: 6 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited January 28

    STP is showing as completed but the amounts are not showing in the totals that reported to the tax office in December. Maryanne Ramsay rang and logged this as a concern with your office and was told it is being fixed. The actual payrun reverted to draft but stp shows completed

  • Jason_Z
    Jason_Z Reckon Staff Posts: 118 Reckon Staff
    edited January 28

    Thanks @Lorelle

    Could you also confirm the status of the STP submissions in Reckon for me?

    If the case has been logged with one of our agents, they will get back to you as soon as a fix has been delivered

This discussion has been closed.