This category is for conversations related to the Reckon Personal Range software.
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Hi. this is Judy Westley from Riverland 4wd Club CUSTOMER ID 217609. Have just had my computer upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows 7 but I keep coming up with an error and asking for me to Register . Need help
I am having a problem trying to enter new share transactions in Reckon Personal Plus 2020. When I press the "Enter Transaction" button, a dialogue box appears saying it has encountered a problem - error code 7277. Once I press the "send report" button, the program closes down.
For two hours this message comes up when attempting to open reckon "A schuled update is currently running. Please wait until the process completes before launching" how to resolve?
After renewing my annual licence "Reckon Accounts Personal Plus 2020", the backup on exiting the software produced a pop-up window referring to "error code 7031". I've sent two error reports, the most recent one with "Report ID 2568 18804".
ASX code CLW is not recognised
can someone tell me how to disable the sounds in Reckon Home and Business 2013
I'm having trouble finding the file I want to restore. I've done it before so not sure what the problem is.I've posted an attachment with the menu items I'm seeing.And while I'm at it, I've always wondered what files are needed and where. I have a folder called Reckon which has my current Reckon files.I'm assuming each…
I bought 2 parcels of shares and subsequently sold some of one parcel. I think I might have deleted the sale to try to fix an error (I can't remember what it was as it was a long time ago) and now find things are worse. This was in 2018 so I can't go back to a backup copy and start from there. The number of shares in the…
It would be great if the invoice automatically marked as "paid" when entering the transaction in the ledger, all it would need is a check box that flashes when the payment is entered asking if you would like it marked off?
How can I change the default payment terms on invoices I create from 30days which it is currently set to? I'm unable to change it anywhere, whether for all future invoices, or individual customers. For some reason all posts I have read through with a solution has a different layout, or options than we have in our program.
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