EoFY Checklist including Payment Summaries and Empdupe file
Hi Dee, welcome to the Reckon Community & thank you for your post. I've located this article which runs through EOFY steps inclusive of EmpDupe process: http://kb.reckon.com.au/issue_view.asp?ID=4155
Hope it helps.
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Thank you for the prompt reply. And the link will help enormously ..... happy EOFY !!!
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You're welcome Dee. It will be a good one when it's all over Hope all goes smoothly for you!
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This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Group Certificates. I'm preparing to print my Group Certificates and realized that not all the employees have pulled through has this happened to any Thanks0
Hey Michelle, please run through this EOFY Checklist and see if that resolves the problem. Thanks, Mirko
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Thank you that was a quick resolve had to set the printing of payslips to both.1
Thanks Mirko for the link to http://kb.reckon.com.au/issue_view.asp?ID=4155 . It is quite helpful even though it applies to QuickBooks and not Payroll Premier.
We have a complicated pay rate structure so need software with more grunt so use Payroll Premier. However, we also have the issue of no payment summaries being generated for employees with zero tax deducted for the financial year. I can't fathom why Reckon haven't addressed this issue as it's over 5 years old now!! A payment summary should be generated for all employees regardless of wether they have had tax deducted or not. What if they have 2 jobs and the aggregate of the two jobs, with unrelated employers, requires them to pay tax ? To require Payroll Premier users to add $0.01 to one pays tax and then to have to take it out is not a fun task, especially for 5 years. And this year we have the added complexity that when you do add the one cent, the GROSS changes?????? There is a bug in the way it originally calculated the pay at the time and when you go to edit it for the tax, it corrects the bug. Come on Reckon - fix this (it is the year 2014 and we put a man on the moon in 1969 with a computer with less grunt than a current mobile phone!!)
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This is the error with the gross. This should be a Total Gross of $71.08 ?0
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled PAYG payment summaries do not match yearly pays report. I am preparing PAYG payment summaries (INB) the same as every year for the last 10. This time the payment summaries do not match the totals (gross/tax etc) in the yearly pays report. The yearly pays report is correct. In compiling the PAYG summaries, the software has added an extra weeks wages for each employee. Any help would be appreciated please.
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Hi George, Be careful here. Don't know if this helps but according to what I can ascertain, the ATO works on PAID DATE for Payment Summaries, not Period End Date. When running Payment Summaries you should change the 'Preference', 'Printing' to 'Date Paid'. So if a pay ended prior to 30 June but was paid on or after 1 July then that pay will not be included in 2013 Payment Summaries. When you run all yearly reports, be they yearly pays report or payment summaries they all should then match.0
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled EmpDupe File. I am in the process of completing our payment summaries but can not create the EmpDupe file.
I am following the instructions;
Choose Reports menu > Payment Summaries > Create EmpDupe file for ATO
I get through the first two steps but it doesn't offer me an option to create the file?
Can anyone help please?
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Hi Erika and Others
Please specify what system you are running and what version - Payroll Premier/Quickbooks??
Impossible to help unless that info is present on chats
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I have two errors on an EmpDupe file submitted to the ATO.
Reason Code: VR04 Total errors: 1
The field must not contain blanks or non numeric characters.
Reason Code: VR34 Total errors: 1
The Payer Australian business number or Withholding payer number field contains an Australian business number therefore the Branch number field must be within the range of '001-999'.
Where in Reckon accounts can I enter the correct details? Or. Any other suggestions.
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Hey Pancho's Dust, this thread may help: https://community.reckon.com.au/reckon/topics/i_am_unable_to_upload_emdupe_file_to_the_ato_from_reck...
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Thanks, it directs me to where i can edit company information, however, the reason code vr04 States "The field must not contain blanks or non numeric characters." It does not say which field. If I remove the spaces in my ABN, Reckon automatically puts them back.
Reason code vr34 states that a branch number is required but I cannot see where to enter that in Reckon accounts.
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Hey Pancho, do any company records or employee have character details like '&'?
Branch number, try adding 001 to the right of your ABN number as per the screenshot by Graham in that thread.
Keen to hear how you go.
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After speaking to the ATO I have been informed that error code vr04 pertains to non numeric characters in the payees income amount. After checking the printed version I can see no non-numeric characters.
Error code vr34 pertains to the missing 3 digit branch number. I can see nowhere in Company>Company Information to enter this.
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3 digit branch number goes to the right of the Tax Rego ID.
Re: VR04 I'll ask one of our techs if there is anything else that could contribute.
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Bingo! After adding the branch code where I had ABN entered I created an new EmpDupe file and it was successfully lodged. Thanks
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Hi Pancho,
VR04 might be caused by the Branch number as well, because it shifts characters to the incorrect data field as a result. Just enter the 3 digit branch number and validate the file again.
Let us know if you still encounter the error message.
Jason?1 -
Makes sense, as all I did was add branch number and all was well.
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I have problem with exporting Empdule file from reckon. I just have 2 options to save to file to B or Q drive?
How do I copy to other location?0 -
Hey Jessica, you'd need to save it to your Q drive. Once it is saved you can download it to your local drive. If you haven't used the feature yet, we have a video on how upload/download works. ^mirko
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Hi MirKo!
It is very helpful!!!!
Thank you!1 -
Hi I may be missing something and need to submit the EMPUDUPE file and the help says to go to Employee Menu click Process Payment Summaries and the click ATO Magnetic Media please help.0
Please disregard my inquiry .. Thank you ?0
Seeing as it's the end of the 14/15 FY, it might be time to bump this thread up to help some of our newer community members! ^Mirko.
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And older members too Mirko1
Trevor, of course. It might even be a good one for all members to bookmark somewhere!
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One thing to note is the location of the saved empdupe file has changed.
It is now
C:> ProgramData > Reckon > Reckon Accounts 2015 > edition & flavour 20xx > filename > Export Files > EMPDUPE Files > EmpDupe.txt
Would be nice if you could update the kb article with this info.
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Great point Trev, I'll raise this with the team that looks after KBs.
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I have discrepancies between Payroll summary report and total of all group certificates. There is difference of $4, because of rounding cents. Is there any possibility to fix it. Please help.
Many thanks0 -
Hi Mirko
I have prnted and payment summaries and reports much perfectly but I am trying to save payment summaries via electronic file in order to lodge electronically to the ATO but it is giving me an error such as:
Error Copying File or Folder
Cannot create or replace ABAPages: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
and also another one when I click ok such as:
There is a problem with the auregfind file
Failed to load auregfind
Error, line 0, reason: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
Are you able to help as I have been looking for a solutions and I seem not able to find it.
Thank you
Carla0 -
Have you checked that you have all the employees TFN in correctly and the business details in company information are correct. I had a similar problem last year and it was as simple as checking the data. Good luck1