Receive Tax Refund not working
Michael Standen_6653669
Member Posts: 30 Novice Member
I'm trying to process a tax refund in Reckon Accounts online. The Receive Tax Refund button in Manage Tax doesnt do anything.
Waited on the phone for 15 minutes just to be told "no you're wrong, when you click on that button another window should open". Well no it doesn't or I wouldn't be calling! Then he tells me there is no reason that it wouldn't. Totally useless waste of time!
And as a kicker, we're told while we're waiting that this community is a fast way to get answers. Well, it may turn out to be faster than a decent answer I'll give you that. But after waiting on the phone for 15 minutes only to be told after another 5 minutes that theres nothing wrong and it must be working I still dont have an answer - either from here in the community nor from the phone technical support.
Do you receive an error message when attempting this or no response at all?
Which browser are you using? Does the same issue occur when opening Hosted in an alternate browser?0 -
I had same issue today, discovered that the FORM that Receive Tax Refund" button opens is "deposits" which was already open. Software (Reckon Accounts) should switch to that opened form, but does nothing instead. SOLUTION: navigate to open deposit form, close it, return to Receive Tax Refund button which in my case now opened make deposit and automatically filled in fields with the ATO as received from, Tax Payable in From account, tax refund in memo. Methinks it is a small programmer oversight. Hope this helps someone.0
Thanks Farmhand,
Will pass your findings on to the Developers.
Welcome to the Reckon community.
John.0 -
Incredibly, in 2023 for Reckon Enterprise, this silly window focussing / spawning issue still exists. Only Google got me here to save the wasted time of trying to figure out why the Tax Refund button is non-responsive.
Close the deposits window and off we go, button now works. That button should respawn the deposits window, along with obvious error check for unsaved transaction as it does so.
Please pester the devs again to get rid of this kind of frustrating silliness. Thank you.