Account Enquiry Report showing Description?

Sarah Mostyn
Sarah Mostyn Member Posts: 13 Novice Member Novice Member
edited August 2018 in Reckon One
Hi There, I'm trialling Reckon One at the moment and have entered my first month of transactions. I'm having trouble running any detailed ledger reports to show the Description column? I have run the Account Enquiry Report and also the Tax Codes Transactions Report but neither of these have options to show the Description column. This is very limiting as I can see who has been paid and what account has been selected but not the description that was entered which is important to ensure that the transaction has been coded correctly.
Thank you for your help. 


  • Luke
    Luke Moderator, Reckon Staff Posts: 225 Moderator Moderator
    edited August 2018
    Hi Sarah,

    When in the Account Enquiry report you can select 'Show more options' and then it allows you to tick the boxes 'Details' and 'Bank account'. Once those two boxes are selected, click the 'Refresh' button.

    When in the Tax Code Transactions report, follow the same steps but tick the box 'Reference'.

    I hope this helps.

  • Sarah Mostyn
    Sarah Mostyn Member Posts: 13 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited February 2017
    Hi Luke thank you for your comment. Unfortunately you have not answered my question which is how to get the DESCRIPTION field to show in the reports. This is different to the Details field. For instance when I record a Make Payment transaction I may dissect the payment into a number of lines with different account codes and a description for each line (eg: Purchase of hay coded to Fodder). The Details field only shows the detail of the overall payment not the Descriptions from the transaction allocation to each account. All software that I have used previously has the facility to show Descriptions (the narration associated with the amount coded to that account code), so I am surprised to see this limitation with Reckon One. Please advise ASAP as I am in the trial stage of my Reckon One software. Thanks
  • Luke
    Luke Moderator, Reckon Staff Posts: 225 Moderator Moderator
    edited August 2018
    Hi Sarah,

    Unfortunately, the reports do not list the lines entered on each transaction, therefore this is the reason why there is no description column.

    Apologies for the inconvenience.

  • Sarah Mostyn
    Sarah Mostyn Member Posts: 13 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited February 2017
    Oh bugger, that's a really big limitation of the software - I've never worked with a program that doesn't show that description on a ledger report. From a Practice perspective I couldn't recommend Reckon One to clients as it's impossible to properly check their coding when the ledger report doesn't show the description for each line item. Can you please refer this to the development team as I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult to add an extra field on the reports. Thank you.
  • Sarah Mostyn
    Sarah Mostyn Member Posts: 13 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited November 2017
    This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Account Enquiry and Tax Codes Transaction report - Description field. Hi guys
    As an accountant trialling Reckon One for my own use, I have discovered a really big limitation of the software which I think is easily resolved. Neither the Account Enquiry or Tax Codes Transaction reports can be run with the option to show the Description field. I've never worked with a program that doesn't show that description of individual line items on a ledger report. From a Practice perspective I couldn't recommend Reckon One to clients as it's impossible to properly check their coding when the ledger report doesn't show the description for each line item. Surely this is a simple matter of adding it as a tick box to the report settings? Many people would see value in this addition.
  • nashweb
    nashweb Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited April 2017
    Yep I hate this lack of functionality too. I only just changed to Reckon from Quickbooks as of January and will definitely change software again at the end of this year.
  • Grace_9235161
    Grace_9235161 Member Posts: 2 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited August 2017
    Hi,  this is my first month using reckon one having just moved from the reckon hosted. I wanted to find out if the detailed  report described above is available now. It is very essential for conducting reconciliations etc. It was available on the reckon hosted version. If not, is there an intention to include this in the very near future. I noticed there was a post from two years ago asking about the same report but doesn't seem to be available. Please advise 
  • ptnewparadigm
    ptnewparadigm Member Posts: 12 Reckoner Reckoner

    This most basic reporting function to show the description field in reports appears not to of been resolved since 2017. Does anyone know of a GL transaction report by account code that shows the description field?

  • DebW
    DebW Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member

    We are new to Reckon One and I've have been looking for a way to print reports that include the Description field. We need reports that include Description for our accountant to work from for end of quarter/end of year adjustments and for any returns/warranty claims as the Description is where what was purchased is noted.

    It is hard to believe that Reckon One does not have this functionality. It's a basic necessity for any business that needs to review past transactions for whatever reason.

    If there is any way that it can be done, please advise. Otherwise, I can only urge Reckon One to add it as soon as possible.

  • ptnewparadigm
    ptnewparadigm Member Posts: 12 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Deb,

    I agree, this is a very basic and necessary reporting function of an accounting system. It doesn't appear Reckon understand this. I have had to recommend a number of clients to select other systems because of the lack of this basic function of Reckon One.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,378 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @ptnewparadigm

    Just so I have a better understanding of your use case, what specific information do you usually include in the description field, and how would it assist in your use of the Account Enquiry Report?

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  • ptnewparadigm
    ptnewparadigm Member Posts: 12 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Rav,

    See the other posters comments and need for the description field above as well.

    A few examples are:

    Reconciling transactions to a GL account code - E.g. printing a GL transaction listing of say Motor vehicle expenses and reviewing the transaction description to see if they were posted to the correct GL code

    Sorting GL transactions under a GL account code by a certain naming convention - E.g. When entering travel expenses I include the staff name. With other accounting packages I can extract all Travel transactions to a CSV and sort by staff name.

    When reviewing client transactions in Xero, MYOB or Quickbooks I do a detailed GL transaction listing of all accounts and do a scan to double check transactions are posted to the correct account number

    When entering assets in a depreciation schedule in other accounting systems I am able to print of the GL transactions report for Plant and Equipment and have all the details of the assets on one report as they are in the description field. I can't do this in Reckon one and have to go into each transaction individually and copy and paste the details.

    I recently had to provide a comprehensive transaction listing to the ATO as part of a client audit. The ATO wanted the description of the transactions and they didn't believe me that ReckonOne couldn't do this basic report function. It was very embarrassing and extremely unprofessional that I couldn't provide the information the ATO required and perceived by the ATO I was hindering the Audit process.

    Another significant reporting failure is there is no way to produce a report that shows all transactions posted against a selected project. This looks like it has been an issue since 2017 and is a basic report in Xero and other accounting software.

    Without a report like this there is no practical way to check what transactions have been posted to an individual project.

    Every accounting package I have used for the past 30+ years is able to report on the description field, which is where the transaction detail is entered.

    Thanks for your help to get this resolved and make Reckon One a useful tool.

    Kind regards


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,378 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Thanks for the detailed breakdown @ptnewparadigm

    I've passed your feedback along with the other members in this thread over to the folks in the Reckon One product team. I know on the surface this seems like a fairly straightforward update to reports however from what I've been advised its a fairly significant undertaking to surface these additional data fields in each report.

    To be fully transparent with you around expectations, the product team have some very significant projects in the pipeline to enhance Reckon One over the next little while which is where the majority of our planning and resources are going toward. So while I'd love to tell you this will be a definite change coming soon, I'm not able to at this stage however it is something that will be considered as part of our future improvements to Reckon One.

    I'll post further updates around this if I hear any further news or developments in this area.

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  • DebW
    DebW Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member

    Hi Rav,

    I was going to reply also but @ptnewparadigm has covered it very well. We need reports that include the Description and to be able to pull up all transactions tagged to a Classification so we and our accountant can review them for the same sorts of things.

    Our accountant has already recommended that we switch to another accounts package as he finds Reckon One so hard to work with. I can only urge you to pass it on the dev team that these functions should be included as they are basic things that any other package I've used has.
