Super guarantee not calculating

Jo Armstrong
Jo Armstrong Member Posts: 16 Novice Member Novice Member
edited July 2020 in Reckon One
Reckon One - payroll lite
I am just trying to get super to register within a payrun and therefore show up on the payslip. I think I have set up everything I need to do within super funds and the employee payset up but in the payrun although the employee has definitely earned over $450 for the month it is still showing $0. (my pay is fortnightly). Any ideas what I am missing? Thanksimage.image


  • Umesh Kumar Kukreja
    Umesh Kumar Kukreja Reckon Alumni Posts: 18 Former Reckon Staff Member Former Reckon Staff
    edited January 2018

    Hi Jo,

    Thank you for contacting Reckon Community.

    Wishing you a Happy New year.

    Please check the below mentioned knowledge base article. It will help you in setting up your super Item.

    Hope it will work.


    Umesh Kumar Kukreja
  • Jo Armstrong
    Jo Armstrong Member Posts: 16 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited January 2018
    Thanks for the quick reply. I have checked both of the suggestions in the article but in both cases I had already set everything up correctly so this did not make any difference to the problem. However I added screen shots just in case I am missing anything.image

  • Steven Martin_9693357
    Steven Martin_9693357 Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited June 2018
    I have this same problem and have checked both these items. I am wondering what I have done wrong? Did you ever resolve it?
  • John G
    John G Reckon Staff Posts: 1,569 Reckon Staff
    edited June 2018
    Welcome to the Reckon Community Steven,

    They are the 2 major causes for Super not calculating.

    Make sure that you were checking the super item that was used in the pay - you probably have more than one super item.  Is that particular super item configured to calculate on that particular OTE payroll item?

    The next item to consider is the age of the employee - are they under 18 years of age?  If they are Super will not calculate for them.  Is the correct birth date entered on the Employee's card?

    Also, has the $450.00 threshold been reached?  Remember that it is the Date the pay is Paid to the employee that is the determiner and not the date range the pay was earned.  

    Hope this helps.

  • Steven Martin_9693357
    Steven Martin_9693357 Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited June 2018
    Ah it had no Payroll items selected as default. Well time to redo a bunch of stuff but least I worked out where to sort it.

  • Robyn Millard
    Robyn Millard Member Posts: 13 Reckoner Reckoner

    I've only noticed after months of missing super that this is happening.

    I've reprocessed pay runs, and the super keeps skipping some pays.

    Is there a way to manually enter journals to adjust this, to save me having to go back and process every pay run this year? It's already taken me five hours of rework to find that each subsequent edit has messed up other employees. It is a very slow process to edit a single employee in this Cloud version. Adjusting journals will be much quicker.