My Balance sheet and Trial Balance do not Balance

Karen_9187425 Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member
I am using Reckon Premier desk top.  The problem occurred when I changed the items from non inventory to inventory.  I have done a Data Rebuild the issue is still there.  What can I do??


  • Craig_10673745
    Craig_10673745 Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited June 2020
    Hi Karen

    I know your problem was quite some time ago, but did you find a solution to your imbalance ?

    I have a similar problem with an inventory GL account having a different balance in the Trial Balance as compared to the Balance Sheet.

    My phone call & subsequent email to Reckon Support has not proved all that helpful in solving my problem at this stage.

  • Kris_Williams
    Kris_Williams Member Posts: 3,761 Reckon Accounts Hosted Elite Expert Reckon Accounts Hosted Expert
    edited June 2020
    Are both reports set to Accrual - Net? Check in the preferences under reports
  • Craig_10673745
    Craig_10673745 Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited June 2020
    Hi Kris

    Yes both reports are set to Accrual - Net. 
    Something has caused an amount of $2,142 to disappear from an inventory account, & the Balance Sheet does not balance. The Trial Balance does include the amount & does balance. 
    I have reviewed the  Reckon transactions in an attempt to find the offending transaction/s, but to no avail so far. 
  • Karen_9187425
    Karen_9187425 Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited June 2020
    Hi Craig

    I was never able to rectify the issue.  I was told to set up a new file and start again which i did not do.  If you can not identify what transaction has caused the problem I can't see how to fix it.  It was so good back in the old days when you could do one sided journals to fix these issue.
  • Datarec
    Datarec Reckon Staff Posts: 1,281 Reckon Staff
    edited June 2020
    You cannot enter one sided journals in Reckon Accounts business range.

    Can you try to find the day on which the the reports are balanced?

    Then this will give you the next day on which the report first goes out of balance.

    Then generate a Journal report for that specific day only, and confirm which transaction(s) is out of balance. If there are many transactions on that day, filter for specific transaction types and do that for each type or group of transaction types.

  • Craig_10673745
    Craig_10673745 Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited June 2020


    Thanks for the feedback.

    I have already isolated the date to the 1st July 2019 & the GL account affected. The inventory account concerned has 5 transactions on the offending date totalling $21,204.55.

    When I run a Balance Sheet for that date, the inventory account in the Balance Sheet is $2,142 less than the same account in the Trial Balance for that day.

    When I drill down on the inventory item from the Balance Sheet, the detail of the 5 transactions totalling $21,204.55 is present, & the total of the inventory account is the same as the Trial Balance, NOT the Balance Sheet. Therefore drilling down from the Balance Sheet, displays a different total in the transaction detail, than the movement in that account in the Balance Sheet.

    I have reviewed the 5 transactions to find an amount of $2,142, but nothing for that amount is present, so I'm not even certain that one of those 5 transactions is the offending item.

    So in summary, I know the date, the amount & the account, but drilling down into transaction detail is not solving my problem.

  • Datarec
    Datarec Reckon Staff Posts: 1,281 Reckon Staff
    edited June 2020
    Hi Craig,

    Consider trying the following:

    1) Make a backup first of your company data file

    2) Delete one of the five transactions (this will determine if the transaction is able to be deleted or if it results in a program crash)

    3) If the transaction is able to be deleted, refresh the Balance Sheet and Trial Balance reports to confirm whether the removal of the transaction brings things back into balance. If the transaction removal attempt results in a crash, then this would require a data file repair service

    4) If you do not experience a crash and the reports become balanced, then re-enter the transaction that has been deleted to confirm it it remains in balance

    5) Repeat step 2, 3 and 4 if needed.


    Data Recovery Team