DATA RECOVERY: How to submit a Reckon Accounts desktop data file for analysis and repair

Datarec Reckon Staff Posts: 1,273 Reckon Staff
edited October 2024 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)

We recommend that you first go through a troubleshooting session with the Reckon Accounts Technical Support team before you submit a data file for analysis.

Once you have been advised by the Technical Support Team to submit a data service request you can do so by clicking the link below.

Submit a request for a Reckon data service 

In your service request you will need to:

- describe the problem as accurately as you can

- provide the sequence of steps you are performing that results in the error

- provide specific examples of any records that are affected where possible

- provide the complete exact text of error messages that may arise

DATA RECOVERY: What are my Reckon Accounts business range (Desktop) file types and what do I send in for analysis

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