In some cases the folder locations are hidden so may need to first follow the steps to make them visible.
DATA RECOVERY: How to show hidden files and folders, display file extensions for known file types
Then you can search for the QBPRINT.QBP or WPR.INI file.
How to Search for a File or Folder in Windows Vista, Windows 7
1. Click the Windows Orb / Start button
2. In the Search programs and files field
- type the search term QBPRINT.QBP or WPR.INI
- If necessary, click on the See more results link
How to Search for a File or Folder in Windows 10
1. Click the into the 'Type here to search' field next to the Windows Start button
2. In that 'Type here to search' field
- type the search term QBPRINT.QBP or WPR.INI
How to Search for a File or Folder in Windows XP
- Click the Windows Start button
- Then click Search
- In the Search Results window, on the left pane, click All files and folders
- In the All or part fo the file name: field type the search term QBPRINT.QBP or WPR.INI
- In the Look in: box, click the drive or drives, folder, or network location that you want to search, or simply choose My Computer to search your entire computer
- Click the Search button
Once you have found the locations where these files are located, you can perform the relevant action.
- Deleting the file
- Renaming the file
- Changing the file attributes in the General tab to unselect the 'Read Only' status
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