Datarec Reckon Staff Posts: 1,287 Reckon Staff
edited October 2024 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
At some point, you will likely need to locate the QBPRINT.QBP and WPR.INI files in order to rename, delete or change its file properties as part of a troubleshooting process.

In some cases the folder locations are hidden so may need to first follow the steps to make them visible.

DATA RECOVERY: How to show hidden files and folders, display file extensions for known file types

Then you can search for the QBPRINT.QBP or WPR.INI file.

How to Search for a File or Folder in Windows Vista, Windows 7 

1. Click the Windows Orb / Start button

2. In the Search programs and files field 

- type the search term QBPRINT.QBP or WPR.INI

- If necessary, click on the See more results link


How to Search for a File or Folder in Windows 10

1. Click the into the 'Type here to search' field next to the Windows Start button

2. In that 'Type here to search' field 

- type the search term QBPRINT.QBP or WPR.INI

How to Search for a File or Folder in Windows XP

  1. Click the Windows Start button 
  2. Then click Search
  3. In the Search Results window, on the left pane, click All files and folders 
  4. In the All or part fo the file name: field type the search term QBPRINT.QBP or WPR.INI 
  5. In the Look in: box, click the drive or drives, folder, or network location that you want to search, or simply choose My Computer to search your entire computer
  6. Click the Search button


Once you have found the locations where these files are located, you can perform the relevant action.

- Deleting the file

- Renaming the file

- Changing the file attributes in the General tab to unselect the 'Read Only' status


Data Recovery Team
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