DATA RECOVERY: How to generate a Customer or Supplier Contact List for Mail Merge in Reckon Accounts

Datarec Reckon Staff Posts: 1,287 Reckon Staff
edited October 2024 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
You can create a custom contact list report in Reckon Accounts business range (Desktop).

You can then export that report into an Excel workbook.

You can use Excel workbooks as a data source in combination with a Microsoft Word letter template to create customised letters which you can personalise and send out.

In Reckon Accounts Hosted generate the report that contains your contact list:

1. Click the Reports menu
2. Select Lists
3. Select Customer Contact List
4. Click the Modify Report button

In the Display tab, select only the necessary column headers


-Mr, Mrs
-First Name
-CC Email

You can change the Sort By drop-down list to sort the report by "Email" so that you can group them together (those with email addresses and those without)

5. Click the Export button to generate a new Excel workbook (XLS)

6. Click the Export button

7. Use the Mail Merge function of your wordprocessor such as Microsoft Word to create your letter and use the contact details in the Excel workbook

Use Word mail merge for email

Mail merge using an Excel spreadsheet

Prepare your Excel data source for a Word mail merge.

Mail merge - A free, 10 minute, video training


Data Recovery Team
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