How to reduce data file sizes larger than 500MB for Reckon Accounts Business (desktop)

Datarec Reckon Staff Posts: 1,297 Reckon Staff

There are multiple paths you can take to reduce the file size of your current data file when it gets quite large.

There are many reasons why you would want to reduce the size of the file such as performance and storage considerations.

The classification of what is perceived as small, medium or large can be quite elastic.

One factor that to consider is the computer hardware on which the Reckon Accounts software is running and the resources allocated to it. User expectation and patience threshold is also a factor.

As a rough guide based on the file sizes encountered by the Data Recovery Team of damaged data files that have undergone analysis, we use the following:


  • 300 MB to 500 MB for Reckon Accounts business range (Reckon Accounts Plus / Pro / Premier)
  • 500 to 700 MB for Reckon Accounts Enterprise desktop
  • 500 MB to 700 MB for Reckon Accounts Hosted

There is no 'perfect' option and some options are not suitable or practical if certain product features have been used in the data file such as Units of Measure in Items.

Depending on your level of familiarity with report generation and interpretation along with the entry of transaction journals, we highly recommend that you get assistance from your accountant or a Reckon Advisor

Option 1: Start a brand new data file [DIY]

-Decide on what date you want the new data file to begin from, such as the next month

* Example: the new transactions will begin on 1st November

-Generate the necessary reports to acquire the summary balance figures for the Trial Balance, outstanding Customer Balance, Supplier Balance, Inventory Quantity On Hand, Employee Leave accrued, etc as at 30th October

Use the built-in "Clean Up Company Data" function in the Reckon Accounts software to remove ALL transactions from the data leaving only the Lists* intact.

 * (COA, Items, Customers, Suppliers, Employees, etc)

This will also retain Units of Measure information

  • Use the figures from the original source file for Customer Balance and Supplier Balance summaries to create a summary journal that covers each customer/supplier outstanding value (for each customer or supplier a single summary total)
  • Alternatively, use the transaction details from the original source file to re-create any transaction that is outstanding for each customer or supplier. (individual invoices and bills)
  • Use the figures from the original source file to create the opening balance journals of the accounts
  • Create inventory adjustment transactions
  • Keep the original source data file as a historical record
  • Start new data entry in the destination data file for transactions in the new month onwards

Option 2: Start a brand new data file [Using IIF Export / Import process]

-Decide on what date you want the new data file to begin from, such as the next month

* Example: the new transactions will begin on 1st November

-Generate the necessary reports to acquire the summary balance figures for the Trial Balance, outstanding Customer Balance, Supplier Balance, Inventory Quantity On Hand, Employee Leave accrued, etc as at 30th October

-From the existing source file, export all Lists as IIF text files

 * (COA, Items, Customers, Suppliers, Employees, etc)

This will NOT retain Units of Measure information. If you make use of Units of Measure feature, then follow the Option 1 method above.

  • Create a blank brand new destination data file
  • Import the Lists into the destination data file
  • Use the figures from the original source file for Customer Balance and Supplier Balance summaries to create a summary journal that covers each customer/supplier outstanding value (for each customer or supplier a single summary total)
  • Alternatively, use the transaction details from the original source file to re-create any transaction that is outstanding for each customer or supplier. (individual invoices and bills)
  • Use the figures from the original source file to create the opening balance journals of the accounts
  • Create inventory adjustment transactions
  • Keep the original source data file as a historical record
  • Start new data entry in the destination data file for transactions in the new month onwards

Option 3: Remove older transactions from the current data file by sending your file to the Reckon Data Recovery Team

-Decide on what date you want the new data file to begin from, such as the end of a specific financial year or a calendar year

* Example: I want to remove all transactions older than 1st July 2019

-Generate the necessary reports to acquire the summary balance figures for the Trial Balance, outstanding Customer Balance, Supplier Balance, Inventory Quantity On Hand, Employee Leave accrued, etc as at the end of the financial year period you want to cut-off

* Example: Use 30th June 2019 as the cut-off date for the reports

-From the existing source file, export all Lists

 * (COA, Items, Customers, Suppliers, Employees, etc)

-Keep the original source data file as a historical record

-Make a copy of the original source data file which will become the new destination file

-Delete all of the transactions with a date on or older than the cut-off date

* Example: Have all transactions dated 30th June 2019 or older deleted

* The Data Recovery Team can assist with this removal of transactions stage only

-Use the figures from the original source file for Customer Balance and Supplier Balance summaries to create a summary journal that covers each customer/supplier outstanding value 

(for each customer or supplier a single summary total)

-Alternatively, use the transaction details from the original source file to re-create any transaction that is outstanding for each customer or supplier. (individual invoices and bills)

-Use the figures from the original source file to create the opening balance journals of the accounts

-Re-apply any unassigned payments 

-Create inventory adjustment transactions as at the cut-off date to bring all quantities back to normal


Data Recovery Team
