how do I display company ABN on payslips

How can I include?
Fair Work list ABN as must be displayed on payslip
I would have thought that individuals on payroll don’t have to submit an ABN as that would normally imply a sub contractor - maybe that’s why it’s not provided for on the payslip. Just an opinion!0
The ABN required to be displayed is for the company paying wages not the individual being paid0
Oh I see, sorry I’ll have a look and see what my file displays0
Yep it shows up on mine under Company ID on payslip. Entered under company information as tax reg ID0
Hi Kay
The ABN is picked up from the “Tax Rego ID” you enter in your Company File under Company Information:
Reckon’s default Payslip template(s) have the ABN field on automatically (labelled as “Company ID”) so I’m guessing you’re using your own customised Payslip template, in which case you just need to add the “Company ID” field label to your template.
Shaz Hughes Dip(Fin) ACQ NSW, MICB
Reckon Accredited Professional Partner Bookkeeper / Registered BAS Agent (No: 92314 015)
Accounted 4 Bookkeeping Services
Ballajura, WA
0422 886 003
Shaz Hughes Dip(Fin) ACQ NSW, MICB
*** Reckon Accredited Partner (AP) Bookkeeper - specialising EXCLUSIVELY in Reckon Accounts / Hosted ! ***
* Regd BAS Agent (No: 92314 015)* ICB-Certified Bookkeeper* Snr Seasonal Tax Consultant since 2003 *
Accounted 4 Bookkeeping Services
Ballajura, WA
(NB: Please give my post a Like or mark as Accepted Answer if I have been able to resolve your query as this helps others when seeking solutions!)
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Turns out the government is refusing to accept "Company ID" as the heading for ABN.
I need the payslips to submit a claim for payment of apprenticeship subsidies.
Done it with CompanyID for years but now they decided it is not clear enough, and they want the heading to be ABN.
Does anyone know how I can get it printed, even via a different field?
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I tried everything, I was able to change the Company ID field to ABN on an invoice, but not on payslip. Will be interested to hear if it’s possible
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Could you add the details using a Text Box with the text "ABN" next to the Company ID field?
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I was unable to find anywhere to make changes to the payslip, unlike the invoice which is very customisable. Not to say it isn’t there, but I can’t find it 🙁
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Happy to use a text box, but I can't find how to add one ... can anyone help with that?
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No I looked everywhere to do just that
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I just did a (very) quick screen capture on adding a text box to a payslip template below. Hopefully it comes through ok as its not the usual method I use but essentially, you can add a text box via the Layout Designer. Click the 'Add' option and you'll find text box there along with a couple of others. You can also edit the font, formatting etc.
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I didn’t have a payslip in my templates list, but when I clicked on Template (down the bottom) - add, I had an option to create a new one, and selected Payslip.
thanks Rav