Import bank statements in Reckon Accounts Premier 2018?

shirley_10349193 Member Posts: 2 Novice Member Novice Member
edited December 2024 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)

I am using the Reckon Accounts Premier 2018 version. And now we do bank reconciliation manually by printing out the bank statements and enter Eftpos sales as sales receipts. I found out that we can actually import bank statements as a QIF file into reckon, however, we found 2 problems.

·         The first issue is that we used bank account 2  to make online banking (batch payments)  in Reckon, but when we do the bank reconciliation we reconcile bank account 1.

So when I import the bank statements, it seems that we can only import it to bank account 2.

How can we add bank account 1 to the select which account to import to option?


·         The second issue is that It seems for the money we received, we only have 4 choices of allocation, which are

1.       Ignore the transaction

2.       Create a transfer

3.       Create a deposit

4.       Receive payments

But in our company, we record all income as sales receipts first, so how can we allocate the money we received by creating a new sales receipt.


  • Unknown
    edited November 2019
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  • Datarec
    Datarec Reckon Staff Posts: 1,281 Reckon Staff
    edited December 2019
    Hi Shirley,

    The QIF (bank import) you are attempting to use can only create transactions of type Transfer, Deposit or Payment. It cannot create "Sales Receipt" transactions.

    The bank import can only be done to a bank account that has 'online banking' enabled.

    You can edit an account and go to the "Online Bank Details" tab, where you can tick "Online Account Access" and enter the relevant banking details.


    Reckon Data Recovery Team

  • shirley_10349193
    shirley_10349193 Member Posts: 2 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited December 2019
    Thanks for your help. I think I am able to convert the bank statements into excel format. So is there any methods for me to import from excel to sales receipts for multiple transactions?

  • Unknown
    edited December 2019
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  • Datarec
    Datarec Reckon Staff Posts: 1,281 Reckon Staff
    edited December 2019
    Hi Shirley,

    As Kevin has indicated the in-product help has information on the import format that is accepted by the Reckon Accounts software. 

    He has helped many community members with importing data, so give him a call.

    Chandra and Phuong are also members of the community who may be able to assist you with custom solutions.

    Chandra,Professional Partner,

    Phuong Do / Reckon Developer Partner

    Note: Bank Statements may not contain enough information to create sales receipts without you adding additional information.

    Look at what info is needed in a sales receipt and confirm that your bank statement data fields have enough corresponding data.

    The in-Product help is accessible by clicking the Help menu and selecting Reckon Accounts Help

    Use the keyword IIF or IIF file format

    Here is an example IIF import file when viewed in Excel that corresponds to the Sales Receipt above.

    Note that creating and troubleshooting IIF files is outside of the scope of assistance that can be provided to you by the Reckon Technical Support Team.


    Data Recovery Team
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