new tax table - Australia

Following the announcement last week, could you advise when the revised Tax Table FY20/21 will be available ?
Hi @Cheryl Begg
We've just received the specific information required to update our software from the ATO today. Our teams will work on it this week and we hope to have further information on when we can release updates to each product hopefully next week.
More news on this to follow so stay tuned.
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Thanks @Rav - was going to ask the same question. ATO have allowed businesses until 16 November to implement however the sooner the better!
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I pay our employees monthly on the 20th, so hopefully the new update will be out by then.
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Following this post .... So I don't miss the tax table once it is available :)
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Hi guys,
I know this post is related to Reckon Accounts Business but I'll post info for all our software as they become available. So on that note, I've just published the details on the first of our software to receive the new tax tables which is Payroll Premier 2020/21.
If you're using Payroll Premier, check out my post below for instructions on how to install the new tax table update.
Our other software; Reckon Accounts Business, Reckon Accounts Hosted and Reckon One are currently being worked on.
The tentative timeframes at the moment are for Reckon One to be available end of this week and Reckon Accounts Business & Hosted to follow early next week. These timeframes can be subject to change but either way we'll have announcements here on the Community as soon as they're available.
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Hi folks,
Just another update, Reckon One and the Reckon Payroll App have been updated with the new tax tables yesterday afternoon and are now live.
If you're using Reckon One or the Reckon Payroll App, check out the respective posts below for more info.
Reckon Accounts Business & Hosted are next up, and we're expecting to have this out early next week and I'll let you know as soon as its available.
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Hi Rav,
I know you said the Accounts Business update should be out early this week, but could you advise if it's likely to be out today. I have 15 employees I need to pay today and as our payruns are done monthly, the next one won't be until 20 November (after the ATO's implementation date). Many thanks.
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Hi @Amanda
Our tech support team are going through testing of the new tables literally as we speak so pending the results of this is shouldn't be far away. Initial results look good though. I'm really sorry but I can't say whether or not it will be today at this stage because there are a few things to check off before deployment but I'll keep you posted.
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Hi guys,
I know you've been hanging out for this one, but I'm happy to let you know the Reckon Accounts Business 2020 (Desktop) tax table update is now available.
Check out my post below for the download link and instructions on how to install.
Only one more left which is Reckon Accounts Hosted and its due to be updated tomorrow night. More info on this to follow tomorrow.
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Hi Rav,
Any update on when Reckon Hosted will have the new tax tables ready please? I have payroll tomorrow and would love to have it ready to go - otherwise I will be manually amending taxes for all our employees😀
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@Pivacadmin still on track for release tonight so far. We'll have info going out as soon as its live & available.
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Thanks for keeping us updated Rav. Am also hoping Reckon Hosted will be updated prior to pay day tomorrow! 🙏
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Hi guys,
Just a quick note, the tax table update for Reckon Accounts Business 2020 that I linked above has been temporarily removed while our teams work out an issue that has become apparent.
The team identified an issue with PAYG calculation under the two specific scenarios;
- TFT not claimed and the employee earns between $371 and $514 per week
- STSL (Help and/ SFSS) with TFT not claimed and the employee earns between $371 and $514 per week
We are working through rectifying this as we speak and soon as its resolved the update will be re-released and I'll have more info to follow on this.
This does not affect Reckon Accounts Hosted and we're still on track for release tonight.
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Hi everyone,
We've just released the tax table update for Reckon Accounts Hosted 2020.
Check out my post below -
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We are working through rectifying this as we speak and soon as its resolved the update will be re-released and I'll have more info to follow on this.
Any update on this yet?
Just wondering if I should delay today's payroll for a couple of hours or not.
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Does that mean we can still run a payroll with the recent update if the above TFT scenarios don't apply to any of our staff?
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We've got a release going through final testing at the moment. I'm just waiting to hear on details for release following the results of their tests. It will be released today though.
Yes that's correct, if you don't have employees in either of the scenarios above you can process your pay runs as normal.
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Thanks Rav
We are outside the "problem" area but the tax update file was removed before I got to download it. I'm hoping it is back soon. :)