Unable to send payslips to @hotmail.com: Error message email is incorrect when it isn't

Hi All
Having issues with a client not being able to send payslips to a hotmail address automatically from reckon. When we press email payslip it opens outlook and comes up with, " we're unable to deliver this the email address isn't correct". When backspace the email address that is there and manually type it out it sends fine.
Inside the employee record in reckon the email is typed out 100% correct and i can send receive from the email address fine,
Please help
Hi @JakeGTG
Delete the email address from the employee record in Reckon Accounts and then save it. Then go back in, enter the email address into the record and save it again. Ensure there are no spaces before or after the email address in the field.
Try to send through an email again. Does it work after this?