Changing branch number

I tried to migrate records from the STP app to the new Payroll App Basic. Unsuccessful in many attempts so I followed the FAQ and started afresh in the new app.
The response when I logged in was that it was already in use. I changed the branch number from 001 to 002 and I could proceed and completed the first pay run.
How can I correct the branch number to the right setting? {I contacted the 'live chat' but they were unable to provide assistance as we are using the basic format.}
Hi Wayne,
A different branch number should only be created if you actually hold that GST branch for your ABN in reality. From the sounds of it you don't have a branch 002 for your ABN, is that correct?
Can I grab the ABN that you're trying to migrate over and I'll do a few checks on my end to see how things are setup.
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Hi Rav,
Thanks for your response.
Correct, I don't have a branch 002 for the ABN.
ABN number is 36488658579
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It looks like you've sent through a submission to the ATO under the incorrect branch 2 registration. Is that correct?
Was it a pay run or an EOFY finalisation?
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Yes, that is correct.
It was the first pay run for this financial year.
I completed the EOFY finalization using the STP app.
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Ok thanks for clearing that up Wayne.
I'm going to ask you to not send any further submissions for this incorrect branch 2 registration.
What I DO need you to do though is zero out the balances that you've sent for this 2021/22 pay run submission. You can do this by using the 'Nil balance STP report' option in the Payroll App. There's info on this in the post linked below -
Basically what this will do is wipe out any balances that the ATO have received for this incorrect branch 2 registration because they shouldn't have been reported for it since it doesn't exist in reality. Once that is done, let me know and we'll need to map out how to get you migrated over successfully. I may need to get my devs on this as well but lets get the above step out of the way first as its necessary.
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Thanks Rav,
I have completed that step now.
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Thanks for that Wayne.
I just want to confirm one last thing before I send this over to my devs. Was that first 2021/22 pay run submission that you send under this branch 2 account successfully processed? ie. what is the status that it shows in the app for that submission?
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Yes Rav,
The status is ''success' for the 6th July 2021 pay run.
It is now showing 'processing' for the 'Nil balance STP report' entry for the 9th July 2021.
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Thanks for that Wayne.
I've sent this over to our devs for a closer look and I'll come back to you as soon as I've heard back.
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Much appreciated
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Hi Wayne,
I've just heard back from our devs and there is some good and bad news.
Lets start off with the not-so-good first. Unfortunately, the team have confirmed that they will not be able to migrate data over from the STP app account due to the branch 2 registration being created but more importantly, data ie. a submission sent under it as well. Once data has been created and sent, it prevents us from putting any other data ie. your STP app data over the top of it and we're required to retain any submission data by the ATO.
The better news is, your Payroll App account has been updated on our end to reflect your correct branch number. If you logout of the app (use the Logout option in the Settings section in the app), then close it down in full ie. swipe it away from any other running apps on your phone.
Open it back up and log back in. Your account should now show branch 1 in the Company Details section.
Please confirm that for me.
Since we can't migrate your data, this means you'll be starting fresh in the Payroll App from the new (current) 2021/22 financial year moving forward.
If you have any questions around this please let me know.
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Hi Rav
Branch Number is shown as 001.
I have re-submitted the pay run and it is currently 'processing'.
Thanks again for your help