The STP app has been retired.. Migrate to the Reckon Payroll App

The STP App has been retired, which means you are no longer able to create new STP submissions in the STP App for the 2020/21 year. Now is the time to complete EOFY finalisations in the STP App and start the new financial year fresh in the Reckon Payroll App.
Simply download the Reckon Payroll App and sign in with your existing STP App login credentials. You'll be able to migrate your existing data to the Reckon Payroll App from there.
For more information check out our help resources below which cover Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on migrating from the STP app to the Payroll App.
With the expansion of Singe Touch Payroll to STP Phase 2 you will be required to itemise the components that make up the gross income amount and provide additional reporting fields to the ATO.
This change means that the STP App's simple design will no longer satisfy ATO STP requirements, and has been a major factor in our decision to retire the app. The Reckon Payroll App's additional functionality will enable you to easily transition to STP Phase 2 when it comes into effect on 1 January 2022.
Click below to learn more about Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 -
Download the Reckon Payroll App by clicking the link below -