Increasing Super Above 10% Rate
Hi Rav
I remember seeing a post saying the Super Guranttee rate can be changed to above 10% however I have tried,i put in my required rate then entered DONE etc but when I go to finalise the pay run and check the amount its still only calculates 10%,I'm I doing something wrong?How should I be doing this?
Hi Frank,
When you're creating the pay run with the increased super % it will appear within that pay run eg. in the example screenshot below I've created this pay at 20% super.
The Pay Summary balances on the other hand will show the default 10% super guarantee balance. Any additional amount above this rate is reported under RESC.
Rest assured, the amounts in the pay run data will be reported to the ATO when its submitted ie. the full amount that you enter for super, not just the 10%.
Your payslips and Pay Summary Report will show the full amount for Super Guarantee as well.
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