How do I show the correct super payment?
For one of my secretaries I pay her $240/week. The app suggests I pay her no super. However, I pay her super equal to 10% of her salary, i.e. $96/month. How can I show this in Payroll app?
Thanks to anyone who has a suggestion.
Is the pay frequency set to Weekly?
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Yes, I pay my staff weekly.
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If you go to edit employee, it would show pay frequency.
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@ggpro The Payroll app will show zero super as per current ATO rules if the gross earnings for the employee is less than $450 per month. But if your employee is receiving $240 per week then the Payrun should show the correct super guarantee contribution at the default 10% rate. If this is not the case then there is a defect in the app.
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Thank you Joseph and swakhlu01. There must be some fault in my app. Although the super rate is set at 10%, for my other secretary, earning $510, the super payment for that amount is given as $36.
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Sorry, my comment above is not correct. For second secretary paid $510/week, Tax is $36 (correct) but super is also zero, as for secretary earning $240/week. Clearly my app must be faulty. I will try to redownload it.
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@gghoro are you pleae able to check what type of earnings have you selected in the Payrun. Have you got any custom earnings types set or are you using the default Ordinary Earnings type provided in the app. Also please check what hourly rate and hours are you entering when you come up with $510 or $240 pay amounts.
When you mention super rate is set at 10% - is that what you see in the Payrun?
The current version of the payroll app is 2.12.16. I am not sure if reloading the app will make a difference if you have this version. It might be something in the setup of the earnings type.
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Thank you very much for your patience and interest. As a result of your suggestions, I went to settings and found for ordinary pay, for option " include in super guarantee calculation", this was not ticked. When I ticked it, super payments magically appeared for both secretaries. As far as I am concerned, Mission complete.
Thank you again for your interest. My Blood pressure is falling back to normal, even as I write this reply.
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By default “include in super guarantee calculation” should be ticked for ordinary pay. Great suggestion from @swakhlu01 .
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Dear Joseph,
Thank you for your help as well.
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