Employee additional super paid not reflected in EOFY payrun

I have been paying additional super (more than 10% super guarantee) in each pay run using the new customising option in version 2. A simple illustration will help understand the issue.
Gross Pay: 9800, Tax: 2591, ESG 10% : 980
Actual super paid using the customising feature (overriding 980) : 1300
Pay run was processed successfully and submitted to ATO.
Due to unavoidable circumstances I am closing down my company. Since there wont be any more pay runs processed, I wanted to submit EOFY pay run for FY2022 and noticed the following.
Gross Pay: 9800, Tax: 2591, Super: 980
The EOFY pay run does not reflect the additional super paid using the customising feature. Is this a limitation of the product or am I doing something incorrectly? Any insights on this would be appreciated. Thanks.
Strange. Does Pay Summary also show $980 super? You can put $320 super in employee’s initial YTD. Then try EOFY again.
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@skr Looking at the explanation of the issue you have highlighted, it is my observation the EOFY in Payroll app only lists the SGC based on the default 10% rate for FY2021-22. I don't believe it is programmed yet to display the "Additional super component".
However, it might be best if you are able to check the employee income statement in ATO mygov account. If that is showing the correct split between SGC and RESC (reportable employer super) based on your contributions, then you should simply run the EOFY finalisation report.
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@swakhlu01 . Thanks for your feedback. I checked the income statement of the employee (myself) in the ATO mygov account. I could see the correct split there. SGC showing 980 and RESC showing 320, which sums up to 1300. I am not sure if there would be any implications by submitting a EOFY finalisation report with a different figure i.e 980 instead of 1300.
If the purpose of the EOFY report is to just let the ATO know that there wont be any more pay runs for the year then I should be fine. But if there is more to it, then I shall wait to see if there will be any product enhancements that will accommodate this scenario.
@Joseph Li Thanks for your feedback. I am using the basic version of the app and as a result am not able to look at the pay summary which is a feature of the premium version. However from what I was able to see in mygov account, I can safely assume that the pay summary would contain the correct amounts.
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@skr unless Reckon Community Support admin team has any other observations in relation to your situation, I am very confident the Payroll app EOFY final report will submit the same details that you currently see in the ATO mygov income statement assuming Payroll app has been the only source of your YTD reportings. Just for confirmation best to retain a printout from ATO site first.🙄
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@skr Basic version should allow you to view App Pay Summary. I am using basic version of Payroll App.
I don’t know what you mean by ‘customising option in version 2’. In the past when I paid super above the SG amount I just increased the SG% for that particular pay run. EOFY report would show the correct(higher) super amount.
You do need to finalise for FY 2022. EOFY submitted will overwrite myGov income statement. It is no good if EOFY report is not showing correct amounts.
All the best for the future.
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@Joseph Li I misunderstood pay summary for Reports which is a premium feature. Agree, I can see the numbers correctly in the pay summary, but not in the EOFY pay run.
"In the past when I paid super above the SG amount I just increased the SG% for that particular pay run."
Exactly what I did as well and was referring to this as customising option.
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@Joseph Li a minor correction, each pay run shows me the correct numbers. But the pay summary at the employee level is incorrect, it aligns with the EOFY numbers
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@swakhlu01 . As suggested I took a printout from the ATO site and took a punt (by submitting the EOFY pay run) even though the EOFY numbers were shown incorrectly. Once the submission status of EOFY pay run was shown as success, logged back into the mygov portal to check the numbers. The income statement status in mygov site showed 'Tax Ready' indicating the EOFY submission has been successful. However the numbers remain unchanged.
SGC showing 980 and RESC showing 320
So all good from my end. Thanks heaps to your responses.
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Hi all,
Just wanted to add to this discussion. At the moment the Payroll App does not expose the RESC component for viewing however this will change in a rework of the payroll engine coming early next year.
When you're creating a pay run with an increased super % above the default 10% it will appear within that pay run itself eg. in the example screenshot below I've created this pay at 20% super.
The Pay Summary balances on the other hand will show the default 10% super guarantee balance. Any additional amount above this rate is reported under RESC.
Rest assured, the amounts in the pay run data will be reported to the ATO when its submitted ie. the full amount that you enter for super, not just the 10%.
Your payslips and Pay Summary Report will show the full amount for Super Guarantee as well ie. 20% in this case.