STP Errors

syncmedia Member Posts: 8

Hi There, I have received two error messages trying to submit to STP from Reckon One. The messages are different:

  • First time the response message is - "ATO sent the poll response but the service failed to deserialize it."
  • Second time the response message is - "Either the ATO is down or Reckon SBR is unavailable."

Is there something wrong with submitting STP? Do you know when this will be available again?


  • Kris_Williams
    Kris_Williams Member Posts: 3,494 Reckon Accounts Hosted Expert Reckon Accounts Hosted Expert

    ATO probably overloaded, leave it till next pay and submit that one, if all goes ok you don’t have to worry about the other ones

  • syncmedia
    syncmedia Member Posts: 8

    Thanks Kris for your advice.