System painfully slow and keeps closing itself down

OZFLEX Member Posts: 30 Reckoner Reckoner
edited January 2022 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)

Our system is painfully slow if you process a simple query or save and close a transaction. It also continually, 6-10 times a day, closes itself down and we loose transactions we have tried to complete or closes for no reason. I had to enter 1 simple sales order 3 times making it 40 minutes to complete the transaction, restart, close, restart .....etc. It makes it impossible to efficiently use the system and is causing my boss to question if we should dump to system entirely as it is not performing.


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,720 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager


    Just to confirm, are you using Reckon One or some other Reckon software eg. Reckon Accounts Hosted, Reckon Accounts Business etc?

    Is this behaviour still occurring for you? Does it occur only when attempting to save a transaction or other areas as well, if so, where specifically?

    If you're using Reckon Accounts Hosted/Reckon Accounts Business, has there been regular maintenance performed on the file?

    When the software closes, are you presented with an error message?

    OZFLEX Member Posts: 30 Reckoner Reckoner


    We are using Reckon Premier Edition 2020.

    In answer to your questions.

    It closes itself when you "print" and or "save and close" either a Sales Order or Tax Invoice whereby you lose everything you have entered. So it's mainly with these 2 transactions as the most used each day. I entered a Sales Order (after I posted this discussion) it closed the system down 4 times before I could print it, hence losing the entire transaction 4 times. Very time consuming ++ the hang time makes a day very very inefficient. Reckon closed with an error message as per example below.

    With the slowness of the system it basically goes in to "hang mode" with any transaction process and, specifically, if you run Customer Payments. The hang time is excessive with up to 3 minutes to print or save, coupled with the risk that at the end of "hang time" the system could close itself down. When doing the Customer Payments the hang time was actually up to 10 minutes. The hang time is even with searching Customer Centre and Item queries and is not restricted to transactions.

    Below is "one of" the error messages I get.

    I hope we can point the finger at something simple to fix it without backup and reload of entire system.



  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,720 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Thanks for getting back to me Simon, I've moved your discussion over to the Reckon Accounts Business category as that is the software you've mentioned you use.

    It sounds like your file is in need of some maintenance, do you usually perform routine and regular maintenance on it?

    How large is your data file? Are you using the software in Multi-User or Single user?

    As the first step I'd recommend you review the information in the guide that I've linked below. While all the steps in the guide are recommended, I'd suggest paying close attention to 1-7.

    Let me know how you get on.

    OZFLEX Member Posts: 30 Reckoner Reckoner


    I have recently joined the Company and I do not believe any maintenance has been performed to date.

    Data1 File = 413,017kb

    Using in Multi User mode.

    I will look at the document you sent and see if I can make any sense of it being a "non techy" person persay.


    Simon Baxter

    OZFLEX Member Posts: 30 Reckoner Reckoner


    Sorry, believe this is the size of our Data File - CAB archive, unpacked size 938,572,326 bytes

  • Omar_ReckonLtd
    Omar_ReckonLtd Reckon Staff Posts: 81 Reckon Staff

    Hi Simon,

    That file "" is not a Reckon Accounts data file.

    Your file would typically have the name of your company and a file extension "QBW".

    Example: "OzFlex.QBW"

    Follow the guide below one you have your company data file open in the Reckon Accounts software and view the Product Information screen and look at the File Information section.

    DATA RECOVERY: How to view the Product Information screen on Reckon Accounts Desktop or Hosted

    That Product Information screen will provide you with information regarding the file name, file size, file location, etc.

    Do not copy/paste a full image of that screen as it has sensitive information.

    Since your data file is experiencing crashes, and as you have indicated is unlikely to have undergone any recent file maintenance, this suggests that your file is damaged and may have been for a while, depending on when you or others in your organisation had first experienced these slow-downs and crashing issues.

    We recommend that you perform the file integrity checking process.

    1) Make a COPY of your company data file (QBW) and save it somewhere separate to where you file is currently stored. Consider putting that copy onto an external USB flash drive.

    2) Follow the guide below to perform the file verification process.

    DATA RECOVERY: How to perform a data file verification (Verify Data) in Reckon Accounts business range (Desktop)

    3) Consult with one of the Technical Support Team who may be able to assist you over-the-phone.